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Fremtidens Vigernes
Date du début: 1 sept. 2016,
Date de fin: 31 août 2018
Both national and local requirements for the use of ICT is increasing, both in content and diversity. In addition schools meet high demands when it comes to school academic performance. Our society in general and the students who attend to our school is characterized by more diversity then ever before. At the same time we wish to embrace the future by contributing to students abilities to work their way through the depth of the learning matter. In this process the new technology becomes significant. Although Norwegians have both a high level of ICT knowledge and access, there are countries in Europe which have proved themselves more competent in including the technology as a more natural part of the daily education. International research towards digital skills in education, shows that Norways results not yet are satisfying compered to international standards. On this behalf we can establish a need for more expertise in how to use ICT in the classroom as a step on the way to help students become creative and innovative problemsolvers. This will contribute to enhancing students basic skills and academic performance. A greater focus on the use of ICT will make both the internal comunication among the employees and the comunication between schools and students parents better.Our educational developement plans is organized in a way that obliges the teachers to participate in professional discussion forums and educational courses locally in our school. We make sure that each course have many participants and that sharing experiences and new knowledge both locally in our school and on a higher level within the municipality, will be a priority. There are several schools in our local community that are in the process of similar projects to ours, and we wish to share experiences with these schools. We have this year started a project in the use of ICT in education in our school because we can identify the need for more expertise in this field. The internationalization lincs to this project. There will be different activities to help increase theachers digital skills in several areas. There will be four courses and two conferences. The first activity is a workshop about "Flipped classroom" to help teachers learn how to use the time they have in the classroom more efficient towards depth learning in every subject. There will be five teachers who attends to this course. The second activity is attending the BETT-conference where 5 participants including school management and teachers, will recieve input in new ways to use ICT in education. The third activity is a school management conference "Best practices benchmarking" in Helsinki, Finland, where the school management among with two team leaders will learn how to develope the school in a more digital direction. Both conferences provides great opportunities for the school to build international netwoork for internationalization in the future. The fourth activity is a course in the use of interactive technologies. This is spot on when it comes to the schools commitment in using interactive smartboards. The fifth activitys topic is programming. Programming skills is the needs of the "School of the future", but at this stage the teachers are not competent enough so we need more expertice in this field in order to use it for educational purposes. The last and sixth activity is a course in how to use tablets in sciences. Our access to tablets have increased remarkably the last year, and will continue to do so the next years in conjuction with the schools ICT-project. This will require an increased competence among the teachers and the school management. We will schedule visits to schools connected to all activities except from the third activity where this is already included in the course. These schools have not yet been established contact with, but we wish to visit schools who are known for their use of technologies and remarcable academic results in basic skills.We look forward to exchange experiences with other neighbourschools who is also working on international projects both during and after the project. By visiting foreign schools and establish contact with teachers and school managenemts from other countries in Europe, we expect to develope a better knowledge within our own organization and become more eqquipped to future projects. The purpose of this project is that international cooperation and school developement cross boarders will be anchored in our schools developementplans, according to the municipalitys internationalizationsstrategy. The culture of sharing new knowledge will be even stronger than it already is, and it will increase the motivation and make teachers more secure regards using digital services and new technology. This will result in students who will become more eqquipped to face a future no one really knows the meaning of.
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