Rechercher des projets européens

Freizügigkeit in Europa - Chancen und Risiken
Date du début: 1 mai 2016, Date de fin: 31 août 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Free movement in Europe is one of the biggest achievements of the European Union. It makes it possible for every European citizen to live and work in the country of his choice.Beside possibilities and opportunities there are also risks associated to the citizens and the nations.34 youngsters from participant EU countries like Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Slovakia and Germany together with the potential EU candidate Bosnia and Herzegovina, will analyze those opportunities and risks during the so called project: “Free movement in Europe – possibilities/opportunities and risks”. They will elaborate solutions that could optimize the system. Multilingual teams will develop an overall picture of the current situation by interviewing and consulting with locals and experts.After a detailed analysis is made, the participants will summarize the solutions in the form of a resolution. This resolution and the results of the project will be discussed and validated together with local politicians.In addition to the elaborated work on the chosen topic, the intention of the project is to open borders amongst participants. Through the cooperation of multilingual teams, mutual activities like water rafting, morning workouts and cultural evenings, where each country will have an opportunity to present their local culture and traditions. This will help building understanding and cooperation between the different countries and remove fears and prejudices. The participants will be exposed and acknowledge several opportunities free movement allows. At the same time an assessment of the risks will empower the participants in making better and substantiated decisions.Especially the youngsters from Bosnia and Herzegovina, who are deliberately chosen as hosts, will get a great overview of the possibilities a membership in the European Union brings and at the same time what challenges and problems this great Union has to deal with. The project will give the participants a chance not to be just multipliers of this knowledge, they will have a better understanding of the current situation and exposure to the diverse cultures and challenges of Europe.As active Europeans it is up to them to create the political system and social background they will choose to live in and will be the future of Europe.



5 Participants partenaires