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Fotovoltaik Sistemler
Date du début: 22 sept. 2014,
Date de fin: 22 sept. 2015
As a technical and industrial vocational high school which called Abidinpaşa Teknik ve Endüstri Meslek Lisesi . We are planning to touch a raw nerve of our country with the project which we wanted to realize. This project will involve the photovoltaic systems education with participation of 30 students and 10 teachers of us. In our fast -paced world energy is the most important need. The sun has a very large energy potential. This education will teach our students and teachers how to meet the main energy needs by sun directly. Owing to this education we will raise a qualified employees and also relay this informations in our schools.
Today when we look at the world's leading countries, a large portion of their energy needs are met out of the sun. According to the number of sunny days Turkey has a great advantage over most developed countries containing also because of the latitude and longitude which turkey stands in Turkey is the best region for solar energy fields. Came to the fore in recent years in our country, nuclear power plants, HES (Hydroelectric Power Plant), issues of fossil fuel electricity generation are aware that arise from our country's energy needs. We have a limited time to be one the countries which recognized by the whole world pioneer in solar energy systems to prevent harming the Rapidly deteriorating ecological balance. Our assignment is to inform students and teachers about this topics and also let them have an applied experiences in this issue.
Totally eco-friendly photovoltaic systems within the next quarter-century in Turkey, thanks to the Eurasian energy giant has the potential to open in front of it. Today we look most days of the year, such as Germany wettest and number of sunny days even if Turkey is a country which is much less than 70% of its electricity needs from the sun through solar field meets. Fossil fuels such as oil and natural gas have remained behind in the world. However, an infinite source of energy like solar energy by capturing the current trend in the vanguard of this trend could be. Indeed, the fossil fuels projected to occur within the next 30 years will end in stock. In this situation as a country , we need to the do breakthroughs which we could not do in industrial revolution and take a part in the top of the list of countries which are benefiting solar energy mostly.
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