Rechercher des projets européens

FotEle na staż! – praktyki i staże zagraniczne uczniów i absolwentów Zespołu Szkół Technicznych i Ogólnokształcących nr 3 w Katowicach
Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 30 juin 2018 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The main target of the project “Fotele na staż”Increasing of the vocational, linguistic and social skills of the students and graduates of the Technical High School No 12 in the in the professions of Electronics Technician and Phototechnician.The participants of the project will be the students of the third grade and the graduates of the Technical High School No 12 in Katowice in the course of electronics technician and phototechnician.The project will last 2 years , and its main targets are as follows:•four weeks of foreign apprenticeships in the companies in Italy (Rimini and nearby), for the group of 32 students in the professions of a phototechnician and electronics technician, •four weeks of foreign internships in the companies in Italy (Rimini and nearby), for the group of 12 graduates for the professions of phototechnician and electronics technician. The graduates’ project will take place and finish within a year since they finished school. Groups taking part in this project:Igroup (graduates/currently IV grades) 6 people (phototechnician and electronics technician), the date: October 2016,IIgroup (students/currently II grades) 16 people (phototechnician and electronics technician) the date: May 2017,IIIgroup (graduates/currently III grades) 6 people (phototechnician and electronics technician), the date: October 2017,IVgroup (students/currently I grades) 16 people (phototechnician and electronics technician) the date: March 2018.The companies chosen by the partner will be fully adjusted to the students profession profile in order to provide the greatest benefits of the internshipThe partnership organisation in this project is Sistema Turismo from Italy (Rimini).The participants of this project will be chosen according to the recruitment rules, which state the detailed criteria of the enrolment.The students’ apprenticeship will be preceded with a rich programme of a pedagogical, culture and linguistic preparation. This course will provide the participants with learning the methods of the group work, better adaptation in a foreign country and at the same time improves the vocabulary in the range of the vocational language and will introduce the ability of using Italian (basic level) Each of the qualified person will have to participate in:1A language course2vocational English language (photography, electronics)-20h3basic Italian-30h4A culture course-10h5A pedagogical course-10hStudents and graduates will be evaluated in accordance with the provisions of the ECVET MECHANISM. Scheduled learning outcomes have been jointly referred to with a partner in the agreement on the partnership. Unit of learning outcomes will be evaluated/reviewed by the tutor at the time of the planned mobility. After the return there will be a recognition by the ZSTiO No. 3 of obtained by the students learning outcomes and grading practices. Students and alumni will receive certificates: Europass mobility, certificate from the Sistema Turismo, from the host company. Anticipated results of the project for the participants: the acquisition of skills and professional experience abroad; exploring culture and practices in Italian companies; learning foreign languages, especially vocabulary; increasing flexibility and mobility on the labour market;increasing tolerance and openness to other cultures; motivation for further training; increasing confidence, overcoming their own barriers and weaknesses; increase of the opportunities on the labour market; obtain the Europass Mobility document. Anticipated results of the project for the school: increase the attractiveness of school education offer; increase the prestige of the school-a beneficial impact on recruitment; improving the quality of vocational training; increase organizational competence of teachers; the acquisition of experience in managing a team and individual action and the sharing of the effects of the project; implementation of an acquired skills for daily activities of the school and to initiate and organize the next projects;improving the abilities of action at the international level.The expected impact of the project on potential employers:the ability to recruit employees with the knowledge and competencies acquired in foreign enterprises;indigenous workers familiar with European standards of work; acquiring staff with direct relationships with foreign employers.The project will have impact on the local community as an example of good practice of education and will have a long-term impact on the participants, who are participating in the project. They will increase the powers of the linguistic, cultural and social, which contribute to their personal development. At each stage of the project and upon completion of its assessment is provided by the participants,partner school,host companies,parents,and the dissemination of results and sharing of the results of the project.



1 Participants partenaires