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Fostering Adult Learner Empowerment through Storytelling And Folklore
Date du début: 1 janv. 2012,

"FALESAF" brings together 5 partners from across Europe to promote inter-generational & inter-cultural dialogue and increase adult learners' knowledge & experience through storytelling & folklore. Using our wealth of experience in empowering communities, informal learning & incorporating older learners from remoter rural areas we provide access to learning for older citizens, enabling them to become story-tellers themselves: they will connect with younger citizens (through inter-generational dialogue), gain knowledge of their own culture, traditions & region (supporting their journey back into education) and promote active citizenship. Each partner hosts workshops, education sessions, storytelling events and pedagogical seminars, open to all but specifically targeting families, senior citizens, persons with special needs & disadvantaged social groups; mobility is assured with participants travelling to partner events; collaboration between different age-groups/races/cultures is positively endorsed. Through 9 WP's we engage learners from socially, geographically and economically disadvantaged regions, offer training and support to learn storytelling techniques, folklore and music, and disseminate all material/products/case studies for future use through our network of adult education providers. Tangible outputs are an Education Pack (online and hard form, incorporates techniques, case studies, examples of methods/stories/art/interpretation for learners, database of contacts; multi-language versions); web-site; DVD of all events/achievements. Results include increased mobility for adult learners; new skills & experience gained; increased confidence to re-engage in education and actively engage in society; preservation of cultural heritage; promotion of Active Ageing; increased cross-cultural awareness. Minimum 80 adult learners mobilised, tangible Learner Resources created, pathways to education opened throughout network, social cohesion improved for all participants



4 Participants partenaires