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Forum Annecy 2015 – Insertion, formation et dévelo..
Forum Annecy 2015 – Insertion, formation et développement de carrières en Jazz et Musiques Actuelles à l’heure européenne
Date du début: 3 août 2015,
Date de fin: 2 mai 2016
Forum Annecy 2015 - Integration , formation and carriers developing in Jazz and Contemporary Music in European time
The organisation « JAZZ(s)RA » builds a network of different cultural actors in the Rhône-Alpes region. This platform tends to develop and promote Jazz and improvised musics by relying on its members and all the helpful partners that help to purchase its goals.
The project of a 1st jazz forum intends to stimulate the dialogue and meetings between young students/contactors and policy makers, and promote the internationalization of courses for young European artists. For this, it brings together several specialized structures in supporting young artists in Europe who see themselves as actors of youth.
On the occasion of a project starting from August 2015 to May 2016 , the partners will have the opportunity to exchange around a preparation phase, pooling resources and an evaluation phase that s' revolve around a highlight of networking.
The meetings will occur in Annecy during 4 days , it will bring together stakeholders in support of young artists and students, in order to identify common needs, a common methodology and accompanying a European strategy to promote the development of international careers. This meeting will alternate workshops themed and practical workshops , conferences, and group meetings or face to face between young people and experts in the field of youth and culture .
This strategy will then be distributed to European institutions of Youth and Culture and declined to national institutions. This project is a major milestone and a true European network of young artists and cultural support. It brings together French , German, Spanish and Italian partners, regions that make up the four motors for Europe. It is in the recognition and speaking of young students and European artists that networking action finds its originality and strength. Identification of needs, presentation of existing devices and networking of actors are the cornerstone of a strategy to develop international courses for young European students and artists and so to foster their movement across Europe .
This circulation will daily develop the European citizenship , recover intercultural projects and direct dialogue between young artists, cultural professionals and policy makers.
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