Rechercher des projets européens

Food story
Date du début: 4 août 2014, Date de fin: 4 mars 2015 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

PROJECT WAS NOT IMPLEMENTED. REQUEST FOR GRANT RECOVERY. This project main idea and topic is getting known better yourself and getting know Europe through international food discovering theme. This youth exchange based on non-formal education, discovering, creativity and self-expression activities. Food have very important meaning in our life, but it get so natural that we don’t pay attention to it. So during project program will discover about history of food, food meaning in human life, about ecological food and else topics connected it. Important part of the program will be for getting know about intercultural food of each partner country, in project will participate 5 different countries so each half a day each partner country will present their food history, development, daily food, traditional food and else. Each of this 5 evenings we will have a dinner prepared by all participants together according to the presenting partner country traditions. In each morning we will discover important topics connected to the food theme about ecological food, food importance in daily life, calories, hunger and social exclusion, help with the food for peoples who have hunger and poverty, Europe and food, how my food have influence on myself my health and life style also how it effects my entrepreneurship and creativity skills. During the program we will organize workshops, discussions, simulation activities, food preparation activities, non-formal education methods activities, energizers, daily evaluations, excursions, cultural activities, social activities, self-expression and creativity activities and else. Also during the exchange we will try to make the longest pie in Lithuania (Europe) and achieve its record. In this youth exchange project will participate 5 international partners form different countries, from each country will participate 5 participants (18-25 years old) and 1 leader, in total 6 peoples form one country. Exchange group will consist from 36 participants, equally by gender balance. Project program will consist form 12 days full of interesting activities and intercultural learning process.


5 Participants partenaires