Rechercher des projets européens

Focus on Awareness of Culture and Education for International Teachers

The overall aim of the project: Face it! is to develop content and a methodology toenable students of teacher training colleges to acquire the knowledge and to developthe competences, skills and attitudes required to become a European teacher.The materials will be based on the characteristics of a European teacher as formulatedby Michael Schratz (see D.1), which can be summarized as follows:1. European identity: A European Teacher sees himself/herself as someone with rootsin one particular country, but at the same time belonging to a greater European whole.This coexistence of national identity and a trans-national awareness provides a valuableperspective on questions of heterogeneity. Diversity within unity is therefore a keyaspectof a developed European identity with an open mind toward the world as awhole.2. European knowledge: A European Teacher has some knowledge of other Europeaneducation systems and, possibly, of educational policy matters at an EU level. He/shehas knowledge, has a European approach to subject areas of European and worldaffairs and is aware of European history (histories) and its (their) influence oncontemporary European society.3. European multiculturalism: A European Teacher engages with the multicultural natureof European society, has a positive relationship with his/her own culture and is opentowards other cultures. He/she copes with the challenges of the multicultural aspects ofthe knowledge society.4. European language competence: a European teacher speaks more than oneEuropean language with differing levels of competence and is able to teach subjects inlanguages other than his/her first language.5. European professionalism: A European teacher has an education, which enableshim/her to teach in any European country. He/she has a European approach to subjectareas in his/her teaching and links up cross-curricular themes from a Europeanperspective. He/she exchanges curricular content and methodologies with colleaguesfrom other European countries.The course materials will be developed around four content areas: cultural diversity,cultural heritage, world citizenship and European school concepts.Outputs(A) A set of course materials pertaining to the content areas European Diversity (ED),Cultural Heritage (CH), European Citizenship (EC) and European School Concepts (SC)embedded in an e-learning environment (ELE);(B) A methodology (teaching methods) including a framework for the assessment anddescription of students' progress in developing the skills and competences to become aEuropean teacher.(C) A DVD containing sample materials developed in the project as well as theframework for assessment.