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Flood zoning in Southeast Attica using gauge calib.. (FLADAR)
Flood zoning in Southeast Attica using gauge calibrated radar rainfall and advanced modeling techniques
Date du début: 1 sept. 2007,
Date de fin: 31 août 2011
"The chief objective of the FLADAR project is to combine the main researcher’s expertise in flood assessment studies and the technical and personnel support of two major research institutes, the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) and the National Observatory of Athens (NOA), to produce flood risk zones in selected areas southeast of Athens, Greece. No prior studies of flood risk maps exist for the city of Athens. The absence of flood zones prohibited the implementation of sound flood risk management plans and let people and properties vulnerable to flash floods during significant storm events. The FLADAR project aims to provide such input to the Competent Authorities by conducting a comprehensive flood study in a currently developing region of Athens, where effective flood management planning may not only mitigate flood impact but also prevent it. The study will use GIS and distributed modeling techniques supported by rain gauge calibrated radar rainfall from the polarimetric radar of the NOA and historical rainfall data from the METEONET gauge network operated by NTUA. During the last 5 years, the main researcher applied advanced modeling techniques in Rice University, Houston TX, to evaluate the impact of land use change and subsidence on urban flooding. For the last 7 months, the researcher is working under contract with NTUA and produced, in cooperation with NOA, a preliminary comparison of radar and rain gauge data in the greater Athens area, that will be presented in the 10th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology in Cos, Greece. Getting funded for the FLADAR project will enable the researcher to continue the current cooperation and support a floodplain analysis study by purchasing radar rainfall data and advanced software, installing stream flow gauges, acquiring expert opinions, and employing support personnel. The FLADAR project aims to follow the guidelines and satisfy major goals of the proposed EU Flood Directive."
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