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First European Meeting: Being Youth Worker Today – BYT
Date du début: 1 août 2015, Date de fin: 31 juil. 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The Associació Catalana de Professionals de les Polítiques de Joventut (AcPpJ) was established in late 2004 with the aim of collecting, defend and promote the claims and rights of workers in youth policies. True to our mission and objectives and to mark our 10th anniversary, we intend to create a common space with other professionals from different countries of the European Union, which serves to exchange experiences and methodologies, and reflection about our work and youth policies. With "First European Meeting: Being Youthworker Today - BYT", It aims to create a space for training, reflection and exchange between Youth Workers from different countries of the European Union. Youth work develops from different areas of intervention, the methodologies can be similar or different but they share the same public target: the young people. BYT is a project that aims an interrelationship between these different types of professionals to share experiences and methodologies, promote mutual learning, gender mainstreaming, develop awareness of belonging to their own professional group and share and create a real networking among the Youthworkers in Europe. "First European Meeting: Being Youthworker Today - BYT" is the first meeting where arises construct a common space for the Europeans professionals who working in the field of youth: in order to address more effectively, greater efficiency and accountability, the needs of youth, his projects, future and concerns. With this intention, we will share methodologies and training and career paths, will discuss the current state of various innovative projects, discovering youth policies of other European countries, and work for transverse and positive responses related issues and topics that concern and young: employment, housing, emancipation ... In this first encounter involved twelve entities that have been selected based on three criteria: that these associations have a youth workers, have a interesting projects and methodologies of work and this organizations working and cross-and interdisciplinary. The participating institutions from Italy, Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Sweden and Spain. There will be a total of 38 participants, professionals working with young people from different disciplines or areas of intervention: Technical youth (youth workers), youth coordinators, youth counselors, health technicians, social and labor counselors, social workers, social workers, responsible for drug prevention plans, street workers, social integrators...


11 Participants partenaires