Rechercher des projets européens

Fastholdelse af sårbare unge i uddannelsessystemet via individuelle læringsformer
Date du début: 1 juin 2014, Date de fin: 31 mai 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

HF & VUC Fyn Ringen wants to meet the new competency requirements for our managers and employees who work with HF, general adult and dyslexic education and PAE . As a result of societal and regulatory changes, the target group has changed radically, which places demands on our adaptability , our teaching and our professional skills. We want to maintain our new student group of vulnerable young people, by being better at individualizing our curriculum . We wish to apply for 25 mobilities in order to meet all of our four primary educations , while we , by virtue of being a large organization, believe that 25 moblities is the number required in order to come out in every part of our institution. The employees and managers we want to be part of the mobility project , constitute the group that needs "exceptional " training , which , due to their well-developed skills, will improve and share knowledge throughout the organization , by bringing European knowledge back to Denmark . The mobilities are , as previously mentioned, selected from the school's already established contacts . HF & VUC Fyn has for 14 years participated in both Grundtvig 1 and 2 programs and through these programs, there already exist partner schools in countries that we focus on (Spain , Ireland, Latvia , Belgium, Italy , Malta and Cyprus ) . By maintaining and developing cooperation here , we ensure that quality , goodwill and ambition, in relation to the mobility program, is consistent, which is crucial in order to achieve the desired effect in relation to inspiration , development, implementation and objectives. Within 24 months, there will be planned and executed travel activities for 7 European destinations. A Steering group, LMIO and the candidate himself, will assist the participants involved in relation to sparring and the practical aspects of mobilities. Each individual mobility will have an expected duration of 5-7 days , and consists of 1-4 people at a time. The host school will , in close cooperation with us , be responsible for planning and monitoring. This agreement is prepared by using Skype , email , etc. in the preparatory process up to the mobility. HF & VUC Fyn takes the full responsibility to do the same for any visitor through the program. After the 24 months the 7 destinations will have been visited , and it is expected that during this period of time, renewed insight and practice will have been been documented and implemented. In addition , it is expected as the mobilization project is a lengthy process and participants over a period of years, will act as ambassadors and consultants for the new knowledge and practices that organizational learning can be linked to the strategic planning process to be reviewed in 2015 , which among other things deals which educational growth and learning strategy.

