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Ex-situ survey to preserve sturgeon genetic divers.. (STURGENE)
Ex-situ survey to preserve sturgeon genetic diversity in the Middle and Lower Danube
Date du début: 31 mars 2015,
Date de fin: 30 mars 2016
The sturgeon population in the Danube has been declining in the last century and fell to a level that makes the species now critically endangered. Hence, there is an urgent need to preserve the populations in ex-situ facilities (outside the natural habitats). The aim of this is to support their conservation by restocking and reintroducting sturgeons into natural habitats.Total estimated value: approximately EUR 4.000.000.Main objectives:- Establish the necessary knowledge base- Mobilise stakeholders- Develop a roadmap for actionsTarget groups:- local entrepreneurs and authorities - governmental and non-governmental decision makers - scientific and technical networks Expected Results: The Start project will create new contacts with the relevant fishery stakeholders, thus creating an inventory of existing expertise.Facilities and sturgeon stocks in captivity in the Middle and Lower Danube River Basin will contribute to enlarging the DSTF network and prepare the ground for future joint measures. The dissemination activities, addressed to local stakeholders and policy makers, aim at increasing public and political support for sturgeon conservation, which will contribute also to the implementation of other activities and targets of EUSDR.
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