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EVS-Young heArTs exploring new ways
Date du début: 1 août 2014, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2015 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Ungdom og Fritid is focused on reaching different kinds of youth at risk, and youth in general, age 13 – 25, through differentiated services and dynamic youthwork. Efforts are made in order to decrease and prevent risk factors, and more general; working on young peoples rights - regulated by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child – by transforming approved youthpolicy into concrete actions. The organisation consists of a number of different units since 01.01.2007: - Health service for young people, - Street work and individual guidance, - Youth clubs and leisure centres, - Service and support of NGOs, - Housing and guidance for young people formerly protected by the child care system, - Support and guidance of young abusers. In addition to the units above, Ungdom og Fritid consists of three Volunteer Centers (Frivilligsentraler) situated in different parts of the city; Hinna-, Storhaug- and Eiganes/Tasta Frivilligsentral. The Volunteer Centers of Stavanger coordinates and mobilize voluntary work in different parts of the city and are locally organized meetingplaces and arenas for interpersonal and cultural encounters. Eiganes and Tasta Voluntary Center serves as coordinator for EVS projects in Ungdom og Fritid. Regular activities in Ungdom og Fritid are multifaceted and move from social work, to health care, youth- and culture work. The staff counts 63 fulltime employed social workers, nurses, youth/culture workers and managers of the Voluntary Centers. In addition there are about 50 parttime employed youthworkers. • The project environment is located in different geographical areas and public youth arenas in Stavanger: a) Bekkefaret, Tasta and Hundvåg bydelshus/youthclubs b) Metropolis ungdomskulturhus c)Frivilligsentralene a) Bekkefaret, Tasta and Hundvåg bydelshus are three different community- and leisure centres/youthclubs consisting of a wide range of activities, courses and measures. Even though they are situated in different parts of the city, they still serve the same purpose. They are mainly targeting youth at the age of 13 – 16. There are a large number of people, organisations, etc. who frequently use the centres. Their main focus is performance and expressions related to music and art. • The role of EVS volunteers in our organisation: - promote intercultural learning is a basic role for the volunteers. Our attitude is that intercultural learning is important on different levels in the organisation and the society in general, and the volunteers will play a key role in this matter. - The volunteer will be integrated as an equal teammember in the staff were he/she is located. This means that the volunteer will have one permanent and basic team from the start to the end of the project. The volunteer will further on work with a number of relevant teams and employees across the organisation, and also in close partnership with the other volunteers. This structure will give the volunteer a role as both an "idea-entrepreneur" and a role where he/she follows up different culture activities and actions run by the basic team. Supervision concerning the different roles will be secured. • Examples of activities: The volunteers are expected both to adapt to on-going activities and create new activities at the centres. When it comes to describing practical work tasks and activities for the volunteers, basic keywords are: 1) Development 2) Facilitation, 3) Organising various cultural youth activities and 4) social work. 1) Development: We are constantly developing new projects, evaluating and approving ongoing activities. The volunteer will get to plan and create new events, and to take ongoing projects further. 2) Facilitation: There is a constant need to facilitate the different activities at the centres, making sure that equipment for each activity, workshop and event are up to date and present. 3) Organising: Organising events and activities involves both work and time. Key words describing some relevant tasks are: - PR; production and distribution of posters, flyers, advertisement, etc. – Recruitment; reaching out to those who might be interested in the activities, using tactical recruitment in some areas. – Building workgroups prior to the events and coaching them towards deadline. – Budgeting and charting costs and equipment. 4) Social work: Working with people in general from the age of zero to old age. Conducting activities that promotes healthy living and social equality and positive integration. Other examples of activities are: - Planning and participation in a youth exchange, e.g. in partnership with organisations in the volunteers homecountries . - Coaching youth groups and small projects for youth during school holidays. E.g. sports as skating, football, climbing and nature walks. - Participation in cooperative activities across school- and leisuretime activities. – Caring for elderly people. –Planning and conducting activites at different Volunteer Centers.



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