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EVS - Global Citizen
Date du début: 1 août 2016, Date de fin: 31 juil. 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

“Global Citizen” is an Erasmus + project focused on the development of exchange programs for both young Norwegians and international volunteers in order to increase the quality and relevance of their experiences and for the assimilation of different cultures.In the project we have ways that will enhance European awareness:- During the project, our volunteer will work in an international team and through the activities that they will perform towards local chapters, they will contribute to raising our members’ awareness as active citizens in a globalized world and challenge the world's view and attitude of Norwegian students.- The main goal of the project is to create opportunities for Norwegian students to be engaged in social issues such as climate change, poverty, HIV/AIDS, youth unemployment, education and sustainability and at the same time bring volunteers from abroad to Norway to discover a new culture and at the same time showcase theirs. Through this project, we want to create a commitment and engagement in social issues and promote the responsibility we have as young people to combat and tackle our current social issues.The project will take place in Oslo- Norway, between 1st of August 2016 and 31st of July 2017, out of which the service will be 12 months.The project will involve a volunteer that will work with our local offices from Oslo in order to develop exchange programs and our delivery of leadership development to all members, volunteers, and interns. The volunteer will also work towards creating volunteer opportunities for foreign students to come and volunteer in Norway. This will include student market research, establish cooperation with countries from Europe, recruitment, and selection, education and development plan for the local chapters.In the end, the project aims to raise awareness on European citizenship and cultural diversity among young people in Norway.



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