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evs for siyad 4
Date du début: 1 janv. 2015, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

VS FOR SİYAD 4 project will building bridges between Turkey, Portugal and Macedonia. 10 volunteers will involved in the project. 4 volunteers will do Evs in Portıgal for 12 months, 6 will do in Macedonia for 2 months. The project will be a long term Evs and the main aim is European awareness, environment, social integration and leisure-time activities. All of The volunteers will have the possibility to participate in the offered workshops and trainings and will gain new skills and experiences which may be useful in the future. The volunteer will be introduced throughly to the structure and activities of the center and will gain the greatest and widest possible understanding of the work involved in all areas of the center. The volunteers will meet with their mentor regularly to talk about their work, problems, ideas etc. Individual meetings will also be held if needed or requested. In the first few weeks the volunteers will attend an intensive language course - four times a week for one hour. Afterwards, the lessons will be provided two times a week for one and a half hour. The volunteers take part in an unpaid non-profit-making activity, the care of which is the community and the individuals themselves



6 Participants partenaires