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EVS (DEOR) Diffusing ERASMUS+ in the province of Jaén
Date du début: 1 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 28 févr. 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

EVS (DEOR) Diffusing ERASMUS+ in the province of Jaén Context: The youth in the province of Jaén has a low participation rate in the youth mobility projects under Erasmus+ program. Thus, the promotion of Erasmus+ program has been implemented where 4 EVS volunteers have been incorporated to increase the rate of youth participation in the province. However, there is a need to continue with this activity, though this time with new volunteers, new tasks and with experiences from previous hosting EVS. The project aims: 1. to diffuse informations about Erasmus+ programme in order to increase number of participant in it; 2. to diffuse the results of the previous EVS project which is "Promoting Erasmus+ in Jaén" in order to raise awareness among young people and youth workers about best youth mobility practices and to provide the sustainability to change and transform the territory due to constant presence of Erasmus+ volunteers and constant participation in different Erasmus+ programmes . 3. to provide volunteers with an experience of multicultural and intercultural learning and European citizenship. Volunteers profiles. 4 people from different countries. Short description: 1. Linguistic background (Spanish-English); 2. Cummunication, social media competences; 3. Gender, social inclucios and disabilities background and competences; 4. Atristic and non-formal education experience and background; Volunteer's tasks. The volunteers will: - learn how to plan and organize events; - develop their writing competences in English and Spanish language by writing materials, mails, articles; - acquire a new perspective on fulfilment and good life, which is not dependent on the traditional job finding path; - develop more proactive attitude; - learn about networking and social mapping by attending meetings and events and meeting people; - develop their personal, interpersonal and intercultural competencies, by interacting with other people, from other countries, by living and working in an intercultural context; - learn about social media and other internet communications tools by working using them; - learn how to present their goals in a way that is appealing to other people; - learn non-formal education methods and techniques for effective diffusion of the Erasmus+ ; - explore design and learn how to use video making and photo making programs; - learn how to analyze and define the communication strategy of the project;; - learn how to plan, create and deliver public speeches (infosession); - develop leadership skills by being in charge of some aspects of the actions, events, ect; - become more self-reliant people; - develop strategic and long term thinking by planning and executing their personal projects and EVS activities; - explore linguistic skills (Spanish-English) by communicating, writing and speaking in foreign languages. To work with Volunteers during the project, to plan task, events and evaluate progress we use the methodology that we use in daily work of GENTES. It consists of 7 steps: 1. Learn diagnostic, measureament and evaluation tools 2. How to make an impact and how conduct visibility actions of the project 3. Creativity and communication 4. Couch to Couch - Social mediation 5 .At local level to Europe 6. Erasmus+ KA1 7. Transformation of the territory In our work and methodology we put stress on learning process: experiments, proactive attitude, learning from mistakes and from experiences. At the same time planning and evaluation is crucial. Thanks to this we can track our progress, evaluate our projects, and draw conclusions for the future projects. Measurable impact/results: - Significant increase in the number of the young people participatng in Erasmus+ programme's activities and youth voluntary service (international); - Significant increase in the number of projects and specific programmes between entities, associations and volunteers in the province of Jaen; - Significant increase in the number of cooperative actions between institutions, associations and volunteers in the province of Jaen; - Significant increase in the number of hosting and sending Erasmus+ projects taking place in the province of Jaen At the national level the teritorry will benefit from young volunteers intercultural contribution and from the fact that they will learn about Spanish culture, language and all the posibilities that are available in Spain and they will share all of this with their sending organization and on their territory. Project will also contribute to establish new networks between participating partners/organizations for future join projects. At the European level the project will be a clear sign of the European policies and their impact on the local level and on local community. This impact is yearn for in regions such as Jaen province where is clearly apparent the need for programms that ensure equal opportunities of mobility for European citizens and enhance youth European awareness.


4 Participants partenaires