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EVS: An Adventure in the Rural Area!
Date du début: 31 mai 2015, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Our organisation placed in Chãos (village with about 170 inhabitants), in a Natural Park, grew up, when the youngsters and all the community found some limits in their economic and social life. The evolution of the association had different directions, and in this way were created Weaving´s Center, Bee and Biodiversity´s Center, a community herd, that promotes a social economy, keeping the principle of sustainable development. All the tasks that a volunteer can have in our organisitation are related with the support of the different centers or activities (it means that volunteers should be open to work with different generational groups). We are also open to accept volunteers who prefer to develop their own project. This project will start on 1st August 2015 and will run for 12 months. The tasks can involve: -Monitoring fauna and flora; Maintenance of the green and leisure places; Promotion of the natural and cultural heritage; Giving support on Weaving Center and Bee and Biodiversity´s Center; Giving support on Community events, on National and international projects and on projects developed in Studies´Center and Youth Space (activities involving children and youngsters); Activities that involve sharing the experience as volunteer and also EVS/Erasmus +; The volunteers will learn and develop such activities through non formal education essentially. Aims of the project: *Give to the youngsters the opportunity to develop personal and professional skills through the participation in this project, and also to give the perception to the youngsters of the value of the traditional activities as agriculture, grazing and others; *Develop the work of the organisation in the different Centers mentioned to give an european dimension to the organisation, to the region, to the volunteers and all the stakeholders in this project; *Sensitize the community, especially children and youngsters, to the importance of protect and preserve our cultural, ethnographic, natural and historical heritage. *Promote european citizenship; In this meaning the results and impact of this project will be: *To develop european and international awareness; * To develop new professional and personal skills (tolerance, respect for the cultural differences); * To spread Erasmus + and EVS; * To promote the notion of community and civic work as society structuring; * To stimulate in young people's perception of gains that can be found in rural areas, and projects that can be developed without mischaracterize this area; * To raise awareness for the protection and preservation of natural, ethnographic, cultural and historical heritage; In the long term, we believe in that we promote the rural area and the development of it, with the help of this project, its continuity, and similar projects we may develop a work that leads to an improvement of knowledge, creation of more infrastructure, and leading to the creation of more jobs, avoiding desertification of this village. For this project we intend 3 volunteers, with this profile: - Over 18 years old; - Motivation to live in a rural area, and to learn and develop activities from this reality; - Being available to moove by bike or bus (the nearest town is 12 KM and you must use bus; the nearest village is 3km away); - Motivation to work with different target groups, and to work in a team; Our place has some physical barriers that can difficult the movement of a wheelchair, but at least even if a person has some handicap but don´t need to use a weelchair, can perfectly be independent in our organisation. We believe that it will be important, for example, if the person can stablish some kind of communication (for example written).



3 Participants partenaires