Rechercher des projets européens

Европейски икономически стаж - конкурентноспособни млади професионалисти
Date du début: 1 oct. 2015, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Graduates who completed Professional School of Economic “Racho Stoyanov”- Dryanovo have to learn not only Interprofessional knowledge but also practical skills; they have to deal with practical tools and new technologies, to analyze, to make responsible decisions. In this way it provides education’s convertibility and workforce in the united Europe, competitiveness in the labor market and willingness of young people to their role as citizens of the United Europe. The project objectives are specified on different levels: • users - familiar with European practice and the acquisition and improvement of skills in business administration; Improving formed in the PGI "Racho Stoyanov" competence in the field of business communications, creating opportunities for transfer to develop skills in new situations, improving the competitiveness of the market labor in the United Europe. • sending organization - improving the quality of vocational education by enriching with new teaching methods, improving the quality of vocational training in PGI "Racho Stoyanov" by multiplying the results of the practice; Resolve lack of competence in the field of foreign language business communications. • host organization - familiarity with the specifics and standards of secondary education in economics in Bulgaria; Approbation of students, developed their innovative methods for the formation and development of business communication skills, development of customized programs for future users. The beneficiaries of the project are 12 students from PGI that will go through the procedure of pre-selection. One teacher from the sending organization will accompany the students, he will be their mentor and will have clearly defined responsibilities. Project activities are divided into: Preparatory activities - include a procedure for pre-selection of users, informing, specialized test, , cultural training, language training, specific pedagogy training, signing contracts and develop an effective procedure for protection and safety of the participants. Main activity / Mobility / - The practice lasts three weeks and will be implemented in ADC College - London, United Kingdom, agreed to a host program during the month of July 2016. Every student will be able to do his practice in real business company. Confirmation and accreditation of practice will ensure the issuance of each user Europass Mobility Certificate. Each participant will receive ADC College Certificate. Follow-up activities - activities include awareness and dissemination of results, measuring the impact of different levels - individual, institutional, local, regional, national, international, reporting and monitoring of projects, implementing best practices in the curriculum of the school. In the methodological aspect of training and simulation sessions, case studies and the development of strategies are used to improve the management and organizational skills both the readers. In terms of the content emphasis on upgrading the specialized management skills and business administration and formation of specific competencies in the field of business communications, including and competence to negotiate. In personal aspect goal is the formation and improvement of organizational and communication skills and qualities needed for future young economists. Participation of beneficiaries in the project would increase the confidence and capabilities for better positioning in the labor market following the acquisition in another country knowledge and experience and language skills in a professional context. Participation in the program will motivate students to develop in the future, their entrepreneurial spirit and initiative for the successful implementation of the labor market in Bulgaria and in the United Europe. In the long term acquisition of practical skills, competencies validated by certificates, and related to the basic operating principles of the organization and behavior in organizations, business ethics, information technology, administration and others will lay the foundation for the acquisition of managerial skills of the students in real business life and make them more competitive in the labor market.



1 Participants partenaires