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European Vocational Skills Training Berlin 2015
Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The project "EVST Berlin" combines the four interacting, former Leonardo da Vinci projects Eurotrain ProVisoBerlin, ProVeroBerlin, ProMoveBerlin and an additional activity for staff as well as the since 2014 successfully realised 1st Pool-Project within ERASMUS+. It aims to open access to job-related internships and workplacements abroad in particular for less advantaged vocational trainees in order to improve their chances of placement in the German and European labor market. The starting initial point was the finding, that especially among young people in rural regions there exist widespread prejudices exist against leaving the traditional living environment, and that it requires additional efforts to encourage this target group for the participation in trans-national mobility projects. This is particularly true for young people from social disadvantaged groups and with a migration background, who often provide only little international experience before. The beneficiaries undertake their vocational training either in a full-time school program or in dual vocational training. They are 16 to 22 years old and working in professional fields in which international experience is in many cases already seen as a condition for employment, such as in the service-sector (hotel and catering, office communications), business-management and creative professions, like IT- and media-design. By work-related stays abroad they should get the opportunity to develop their intercultural competence, understood perceived as the ability to act to communicate in a foreign cultural environment efficiently and goal-oriented. In addition to work placements, the project offers the possibility, to promote in particular job-related language skills and to work in training and employment-related "European Vocational Skills Training” projects. The goal of these EVST-projects is, to be able to prove the acquisition of professional skills be even when if a direct participation in a work placement a direct participation in working processes within an internship is restricted or the area of operation does not fully match the qualifications profile of the beneficiary. In order to agree on learning objectives and contents of the internships abroad, the participants receive access to an online database ( The goal of the EVST process is to motivate the beneficiaries in a dialogue process for the active participation in the arrangement of their stay abroad in order to increase their responsibility for the learning process and to optimize the subsequent documentation of learning achievements. Cooperation partners are chambers of industry, trade and crafts as well as vocational schools from different regions of Germany and receiving partner-institutions in United Kingdom, Ireland, Poland, France and Spain. A total of 300 mobility grants are applied for, distributed as follows in different activities: Four-week internships abroad for vocational-trainees in the dual system and in full-time training courses (140 scholarships) and 90 scholarships for "European Skills Training"-projects with intensive professional language learning-courses as well as 2week further education programs in vocational schools. In addition, the project offers 12 and 25-week work-placements for graduates of vocational training, who are not taken in an employment after their final examination (50 scholarships). Furthermore training courses will be offered to teachers from vocational schools, training centers and HR professionals in training companies. They should inform themselves abroad on European trends abroad and also experience the organization and implementation of mobility projects in practice. They should thus become multipliers, able to inform and to advise trainees in their institutions about the added value of an internship abroad (19 scholarships), additionally 1 scholarship for 2 month of teaching. The project aims to improve the employability in particular for less-advantaged young people from rural regions, where due to the often extensively limited job offer mobility is an important prerequisite for a successful placement in the labor market. Similarly, this project intends to contribute to the regional and international networking of actors of general and vocational education and training in order to provide a better access to international mobility activities, particularly for young people from social disadvantaged groups. In addition it is intention striven for a promotion of a positive image of Europe in the target groups: More than 80% of the returnees express after their return that they could imagine to live and to work in other European countries in the course of their further career due to the gained experiences within their internships abroad.



6 Participants partenaires