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European Quality in Youth Projects
Date du début: 1 janv. 2016, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

"European Quality in Youth Projects (EQYP)" is a mobility of youth workers under Erasmus+ (Eastern Partnership), KA1, Youth aimed to train youth workers in the quality management field and to develop a quality standard for youth projects (called "EQYP"). The project will include a training course aimed to tackle the main fields of focus regarding youth project quality and a seminar during which a European Quality Standard will be created.Context/background:Youth works lacks quality in certain cases due to the low level of expertise in some fields of the people working with youth. We have identified 5 key areas of focus in youth projects: non formal learning, projects management, partnerships, PR & Communication (visibility and dissemination of results) and financial planning.Objectives:O1: to improve the quality of European youth projects, especially in Erasmus+ context by focusing on 5 key areas: nonformal learning, projects management, partnerships, PR & Communication (visibility and dissemination of results) and financial planning;O2: to enhance digital dimension of youth work through ICT tools;O3: to enforce European cooperation in the youth field, specially in Erasmus+ context; O4: to raise awareness regarding European cultural diversity;Participants:- 33 participants (A1), 15 participants (A2), 3 participants from the countries below (Armenia, Bulgaria, Germany, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Moldavia, Turkey, Romania) and 11 youth organisations;- profile: youth workers, youth leaders, project managers, youth trainers etc.;Activities:- A1: 9 days training course in Bucharest, Romania with the aim of making participants understand which are the project management theoretical aspects related to the quality;- A2: 4 days seminar in Yereva, Armenia aimed to train the participants in Total Quality Management (TQM) and aimed to have as an output the European Quality Standard;- multiplication campaign at local level;Methodology:The project will use non formal learning methodology including methods such as: ice breakers, energisers, name games, reflection groups, working into intercultural subgroups, facilitated discussion, creative presentations, simulation, case study, e-workshop, debates etc.Impact:The projects aims to empower the participants to raise their projects quality and to produce a sustainable effect on young people. The following outputs are foreseen:- innovative non formal methods (to be uploaded to SALTO database);- "Project steps" guidelines (to be published on GEYC/partners websites);- List of sources of finding Erasmus+ partners (to be published on GEYC/partners websites);- Erasmus+ agreement among partners - template (to be published on GEYC/partners websites);- List of sources of finding commercial partners (to be published on GEYC/partners websites);- Request for proposal - template (to be published on GEYC/partners websites);- EQYP standard (to be published on GEYC/partners websites).EQYP standard is created in order to inspire and stimulate other youth organisations to raise the quality of their projects, but also to support them throughout this process.



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10 Participants partenaires