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European Mobility Project Management Platform
Date du début: 1 mai 2015, Date de fin: 30 avr. 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

It is now demonstrated that european mobility has concrete impact on the social and professional life of young people. It is for that reason that more and more young people are interested in realizing such european initiatives. To support all these young people (and especially the young people with fewer opportunities) it seems absolutely necessary that more professional actors in the field of Youth to be well skilled in the management of european mobility projects. High number of Youth Workers know that such european opportunities exists and that they can be really useful for their beneficiaries but they do not have the skills and knowledges to support them correctly in their european initiatives. Indeed, there are many very important steps in the management of European Mobility projects for young people. For all these steps, strong skills and knowledges are recquired to accompany them perfectly in the construction, the preparation before the european mobility project, the monitoring during the experience, the capitalization and the professional orientation of the young people after their return. A perfect support from Youth Workers is absolutely necessary to insure the relevancy of such european experience on the professional and social life of the young people (depending on their attempts, their objectives, their difficulties...). Moreover, a good mobility project management from Youth Workers also insure the good impact of such opportunity on the young people (especially those with fewer opportunities) and facilitate their social and professional inclusion after their return. This project called "European Mobility Project Management Platform" (e2MP) is developped to bring new skills and knowledges to the Youth workers in the management of European Mobility Projects for young people. Indeed, our e2MP partnership project consist in the creation of different innovative tools to develop a High Quality Online Training in the European Mobility Project Management for the Youth Workers. The 5 partners from 4 countries (France, United Kingdom, Poland and Italy) involved in this partnership have specific and complementary competencies and experiences to work on the different innovative tools which will be created for this High Quality Training. The different tools which will be created are: - Online guide for a quality training in the field of European Mobility Project Management for Youth Workers. - Specific online session dedicated to the European Mobility project management and support of people with less opportunities. - Evaluation and certification process to evaluate and certify the quality of support and the skills of Youth Workers in the European Mobility Project Management after following the training - Guide for a quality professional orientation and inclusion session from Youth Workers to Young people after their mobility projects - Online platform to capitalize and share all the created tools, practices and methods concerning the training on European Mobility Project Management for the Youth Workers in Europe All this innovative and online tools will be largely disseminated to Youth organizations and institutions at the local, national and European level to ensure a high quality support in the management of european mobility project by many Youth Workers and a real and long term impact on the professional and social life of the young people (and especially the young people with fewer opportunities). This project will be realized through different phases from may 2015 to april 2017: Preparation phase Implementation phase Monitoring and evaluation phase Dissemination phase Closure phase All along this project the different partners will realize seminar/work meetings to exchange and work concretly on these tools conception to train Youth Workers on the European Mobility Project Management.



4 Participants partenaires