Rechercher des projets européens

European Master of Science in Midwifery

The proposed MSc programme will bring together midwives from throughout Europe to study at an advanced level in their own discipline giving them the opportunity to integrate theory and practice from a wider European perspective. Until now there has been very little opportunity in many European countries for advanced academic studies for midwives, due to the small numbers of potential students in each country. However by bringing together midwives from different backgrounds, the nucleus of students from throughout Europe who form the first cohorts of the proposed programme will develop common goals thereby enhancing midwifery practice in their own countries and contributing to the sustainability of the profession throughout Europe. The European MSc in Midwifery aims to provide: opportunities for midwives in Europe to access a stimulating academic learning environment based on academic openness and critical appraisal; credits with equal value and transferability to any health care related Master’s programme in Europe; opportunities to deepen understanding of European midwifery theory and practice. The Development of a MSc programme and implementation of first year of this programme will be in keeping with the Declaration of Bologna, International Confederation of Midwives’ and World Health Organisation (Europe) standards. Expected outputs are midwives qualified to Master’s level in their own discipline who challenge aspects of midwifery practice and policy within Europe; retrieve, organise, synthesise and evaluate evidence as the basis for development and delivery of midwifery throughout Europe; evaluate the role of the midwife in contributing to women’s health in participants’ own countries and throughout Europe; design, manage and evaluate a research project relating to midwifery through the process of independent study; critically appraise the application of new knowledge and perspectives in maximising an effective European midwifery service. Envisaged impacts are a cohesive approach to midwifery across Europe thus strengthening the profession and improved health status of childbearing women and their families throughout a rapidly changing Europe through midwives who are able to provide culturally appropriate care at an advanced level.



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