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European Films for Innovative Audience Development
European Films for Innovative Audience Development
Date du début: 1 juil. 2015,
Date de fin: 30 sept. 2016
Aiming in creating the infrastructure to support and ensure the sustainability of European Film Education, we have developed an Action Plan: FILM PATHS to be realized by a trans-cultural network. Greece - THESSALONIKI FILM FESTIVAL, Poland - SPOLECZNA AKADEMIA NAUK - SAN and Hungary - Laterna Magica, will contribute valuable insight, methods of practice, experience and consultation while they will reassess and expand their own policies.FILM PATHS IPA, TRACING FILM LITERACY in Greece, Poland & Hungary: A 2-day conference for teachers, educators, academics, policymakers, education admin, psychologists and social workers discussing the status of film education in the targeted countries. PB, THE FILM VAULT: An online film catalogue comprising of European dramas, docs and shorts and including an e-learning basis with teaching aids. PC, FILM VAULT PRESENTATION & TRAINING SESSIONS: A seminar to introduce FILM VAULT to teachers, state education officials and scholars. Sessions designed to familiarize them with the morphological features of European films & their pedagogical potential.FILM PATHS IIPA, STUDENT DIGITAL FILM PROJECT: Student groups producing a short doc film on the ways in which urban landscapes were re-shaped through major EU infrastructure projects. The documentaries will circulate and appear on the FILM VAULT platform to initiate a transnational dialogue. PB, DOCS FOR KIDS & YOUTH SCREEN: Inviting students to European Film & Documentary Festivals with the purpose of instilling a passion for European narratives.PC: TRANSNATIONAL REGIONAL SCREENINGS & PRESENTATIONS IN PENAL INSTITUTIONS, CORRECTIONAL FACILITIES & REFORM SCHOOLS: The prison system punishes offensive behaviors but offers little to replace them. Bringing film screenings & education material to institutionalized adolescents. FILM PATHS IIIFILM PATHS REVISITED: A major final gathering assessing the FILM EDUCATION ACTION PLAN’s effectiveness, overall performance and accountability.
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