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European Films for Innovative Audience Development
European Films for Innovative Audience Development
Date du début: 1 nov. 2016,
Date de fin: 31 oct. 2017
Media and technology have transformed childhood. Today we are concerned with the amount of time children spend in front of a screen and the content they absorb. Children need to be media smart, and they need to be taught how. Childhood educators and policymakers still choose to remain rather inactive and persist in maintaining narrow and outdated educational mandates. Advocates of media education, insist for media education to be seen as a key dimension of a whole range of existing curriculum subjects. EUforia Project is an alliance as such, focusing on media education’s film aspect. Though its main aim may be to convince policymakers of the potential of film education, its ultimate goal is to promote and consolidate a shared European identity. By implanting into youth’s conscience the awareness of what European screen culture is, how it correlates with world culture, and to what extent it influences perception, EUforia Project ensures a greater consciousness of what it means to be European. MAIN AIMS and OBJECTIVES -To stimulate discourse on the potential of film education. -To impact current and emerging policies in ways that advance film education. -To assist teachers, children and adolescents make sense of moving-images. -To bring moving-image education into the learning experiences. -To develop an appreciation for European film narratives and ensure active participation in activities having to do with the dispersal of European Film Narratives. -To produce, extend and circulate, film education material in view of assisting teachers, children and adolescents learn the codes and conventions moving-images tell stories. -To measure and record the overall impact in order to develop strategies in all participating countries. -To integrate good practices, concrete work guidelines and research information emanating from the main courses of action into the basic work of organizations operating in informal film education thus reaching out new target groups.
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