Rechercher des projets européens

Europe Matters
Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 31 août 2018 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

"Europe Matters" is a project, designed for two years, to meet the needs of a state teaching organization in Portugal- Agrupamento de Escolas Henrique Sommer (AEHS) - whose Educational Project considers internationalization as a means of modernization and prestige. The AEHS is constituted by a group of schools that covers a wide range of grades and courses targeted to several levels of education, from pre-school, to secondary school, adult education to programmes/courses designed for especial populations including vocational courses and special needs. Altogether, we are 1060 students, 116 teachers and 49 staff (not teachers) in our organizational unit.The AEHS serves a community lying in an industrialized area. Presently, the area is recovering from the economic crisis, although the number of people emigrating to the European space, is still high. The social impact from this situation is considerable and affects our School that aims to combat early school leaving and failure, as well as to attract students from places nearby, to maintain the number of students enrolled in it. Thus, our School is determined to get some prestige, offering a good quality teaching, updated methods of teaching and activities that will provide the students with good academic, practical and soft skills. Bearing in mind this outframe, our Educational Project assumed as a prior strategy internationalization, which can suit all these purposes so as to keep updated, develop European values and be in line with the EU Strategy for 2020. For some years now, some partnerships with other European schools have been established and developed International Projects involving students (exchange trips and eTwinning projects and the European Club). At the end of this year we will conclude a KA1 financed project that includes 28 mobilities for teachers. In an intermediate evaluation, it was concluded that this Project is having a big an impact in the organization, producing changes in the teaching/learning process, in the Teacher Training Plan, as well as in the development of more international Projects. In the same evaluation it was concluded that a follow- up of this Project should be centred on the following priorities: (i) teaching and learning of foreign languages; (ii) new innovative curricula and educational methods and (iii) combating failure in education and early school leaving. Our project includes 3 approaches: (i) attending European structured courses in the three prior areas of professional development; (ii) structured study visits to schools in European Northern Countries (Finnland and Germany) to experience different working strategies, methods and approaches in different environments; (iii) structured courses so as to support the European projects at school, both at their conception and management and at the communicative level, using basic English of proficiency. The European Development Team (EDP) at school defined criteria for the selection of teachers / staff participating in the mobilities, bearing in mind the 3 established fields. Priorities will be given to teachers and staff working with vocational courses, adult education and special needs students, as well as teachers in key functions at our School. As far as time/organization criteria are concerned, 25 participants will attend each course in pairs or in threes. By doing so, we ensure that our organization will attend a wide variety of mobilities, which will enrich the learning outcomes of the participants. The reduced number of the participants will avoid disruptive functioning of the school. Before each mobility, the EDP Team will set some activities in order to help the participants get a suitable preparation (language, soft skills, safety). During each mobility, the Team will keep in touch with the participants, using ICT tools. After each mobility, it will monitor the evaluation and the dissemination activities that will have to be carried out by the participants. Beyond the 25 participants, the outcomes of learning experiences will have impact on the whole organization: the teachers and staff, the students (their routines, curriculum and, eventually, in their motivation). Parents will also have the feedback of the new practices through their children. The community itself will learn with the innovative ideas through their representatives in the Parents’ Association and in the Board of Directors. Regionally, some teacher training activities will be developed by teachers participating in the mobilities. Nationally and trans-nationally, the project will be disseminated using ICT tools. In the long run the culture of internationalization will be integrated in our praxis. In short, our application to this mobility project will meet the priorities of our Educational Project, is in line with the European Union 2020 Strategy, as well as with the Erasmus+ objectives, as “Europe Matters” to the good image and the prestige of our institution.

