Rechercher des projets européens

Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The project Europ@vhs is initiated by the Landesverband der Volkshochschulen Schleswig-Holsteins (Regional Association of Adult Education Centres Schleswig-Holstein) to enable all its member organizations - that includes the large well staffed centres in urban areas as well as small ones managed by part time officers, in rural areas - to attend the Erasmus+ program. With that, it is guaranteed that even small institutions in rural areas can participate in the european development and can equally provide a high standard of education that meets modern criteria. This is important because Volkshochschulen, as providers of publicly funded education, are committed to high standards to the quality of their program. Challenges Volkshochschulen will have to face in the future are the learners' changing needs: the vocational mobility within Europe requires communication in the pan-European context. The demands on contents of further education and on learning methods have increased and learnig with the support of digital media is gaining popularity. The project's objectiv is to respond proactively to the societal-european requirements for language learning offers not just to react to demands. In the european exchange the participants identify and develop instruments to meet the growing diversity in Volkshochschulen. So, learning offers of the Volkshochschulen will be adjusted to the new demands and configured for the future. New learning formats will be developed and the support of individual learning processes will be improved continuously. Another objective is the development and implementation of adequate measures for the sustainability of the exchange with European partner organizations in the wake of the project Europ@vhs. Participants in the project are freelance language teachers at Volkshochschulen as well as full-time employed directors of studies in the language departments. The language teachers usually have basic pedagogic qualifications, as well as extensive knowledge of the language they teach or a degree in (foreign) languages and often they are career changers. The directors of studies in the language field generally completed an university education in the pedagogic or rather socio-scientific field and/or an European language. For the administrative and mercantile tasks they have to perform at their workplace they passed supplemental courses or benefitted from training on the job. All persons attending the project Europ@vhs choose their training placement individually. They can choose between teacher-trainings, language courses or job-shadowing. Binding agreements between the participants, the participating Volkshochschulen and the persons responsible for the project in the Landesverband, as well as the settlement of a learning agreement guarantee that the activities serve both: the project's objective and the personal development of the participants. Colleagues and the institutions will benefit from the learning outcome and experiences made. Accompanying measures of the Landesverband and the participating Volkshochschulen prepare the participants for their training placement and support them with suitable instruments for the documentation and evaluation. Project-related activities of the Landesverband ensure that the participants' learning outcomes and experiences will be accessible for the member organizations and their partners, for instance through information meetings or written documentation. The participating Volkhochschulen will reflect and modernize their program for languages learning in view of societal-european needs for communication. The participation in international-european developments will enable Volkshochschulen to offer innovative learning formats with regard to current research in language learning and teaching. The variety of methods in language teaching will grow. Knowing about the possibilities of modern techniques and digital media language learning can be carried successfully into rural regions. Communication with partners in the local community about possibilities for european exchange will be intensified. Long-term benefits will not only be achieved by the targeted perpetuation of the exchange with european partner organizations. Results of the project will be sustainably reflected in the programs of the Volkshochschulen through a modern and innovative offer.
