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Europapolitik - jugendgerecht, aktiv, praxisnah
Date du début: 1 mai 2015,
Date de fin: 31 oct. 2015
From 4th until 9th of August 2015 the bilateral German-Lithuania youthexchange will take place at the german- french boarder in Kehl near Strasbourg. The 30 participants will be between 14 and 16 years old. They come from different schools (Lyceum, Grammar school) and had not jet the opportunity to participate in an European youthexchange programme. This project is based on a lively town twinning between Leck (Ostfriesland Germany) and Birštonas (Lithuania). By request of the youngsters we will have an intensive focus on the european integration, escpecially in Strassbourg, the heart of european democracy. They want to learn how Europe functions and which possibillities for participation in european political affairs exists within the EU.
During the introducion we will deal with knowledge, hopes, aims and attitudes towards the EU. Afterwards we will have a simulation game about the ordinary co-decision legislative procedure within the EU. The action-orientated appoach of the simulation game, i.e. the direct experience of political decision-making and institutionalization procedures is to result in a more profund understanding of political process, decisions and effects but also in political education by acquiring the respective skills. A visit at the European Parliament in Strassbourg will connect the learned topics with the political reality.
The visit of the European Youth Foundation (Council of Europe) will help to illustrate the european youth strategy. This instrument aims at solving some special needs and social problems of young people in Europe. Based on the example of the history of Strassbourg situated at the german french boarder we want to give an idea of the eventful history of the boarderregion between peace and war, hatered and reconsiliation as a pillar of the european integration.
The young people will get the possibility to discuss perspectives and attitudes towards current european issues so that an intercultural exchange and a personal learning process can be developed. By this we will foster the mutual respect of people from different origins and the understanding of the european cooperation within the EU. In a long term the young people will learn to feel a european identity and learn how to participate and influence the european opinion building and decision making process as citizens of Europe. The youthpass-learning-process will lead the participants to selfreflexion and a deeper understanding of personal learning outcomes.
For all participating young europeans it is improtant to foster their knowledge, skills and attitudes in the fields of foreign languages, european integration, participation and intercultural learning, which are nessecary to the future employability. They will experience and practice solidarity, new perspectives and an european feeling of belonging together. They will learn step by step the orientation within the european and globalized environment of employment and living. Finally the project will put the town twinning between Leck and Bristonas on a young and new fundament and strengthen the German-Lithuanian relationship within the European Union.
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