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Europäische Erinnerungsorte und romanische Mehrspr..
Europäische Erinnerungsorte und romanische Mehrsprachigkeit: grenzüberschreitende Erinnerungskultur in Europa
Date du début: 1 août 2016,
Date de fin: 31 juil. 2018
In the recent past HWG has taken part in two Comenius projects in La Palma, Canary Islands as well as a KA1 activity of the new Erasmus program for Romance Multilingualism (2014/2015). Several colleagues teaching French, Latin, Spanish and English attended language classes in Portugal and Italy to gain transfer knowledge in French and Spanish, which were used in various school clubs and activities.The studies abroad were supplemented with further training in foreign language didactics and cultural studies. The insights into the Arts, History and Religion inspired the participants to deepen their knowledge in the field of Multilingualism by exploring selected Memory Spaces.In order to do that, colleagues with the aforementioned qualifications will attend training courses in Italy, Portugal and Spain, to build up their individual language skills and add cultural background knowledge. Thus the foreign language teaching opens up to intercomprehensive horizons and a correlative understanding of established European memory spaces which can be found in street names as well as cafés, public squares and places of historical terror that have taken place in the iberian dictatorships and the Nazi crimes in Marzobotto and Sant’Anna di Stazzema. The target group for the new project is the group of teachers who have successfully taken part in the project on multilingualism established in 2014. Their previous studies abroad have given rise to ideas to further explore memory spaces. We have planned five study trips (or structured courses) to Italy, three to Portugal and four to Spain (see H, ).Each trip is meant to train two colleagues not only in language skills taught at a local language school but also to add emphasis on historical, religious an geographic aspects.- the Way of St James (Camino de Santiago) in Portugal and northern Spain (Cantabria)- exemplary destinations of the „Jugendstil“ movement (modernismo & stile floreale) in Portugal (Aveiro), and Italy (Trieste) parts of the romance heritage trail Portugal: Viana do Castelo, Caminha and Valenca Spain: Santiago de Compostela Italy: Trieste- the Via Francigena (Italy/ Piacenza)- Myths of everyday life: literary cafés and public spaces (Trieste, Italy) the shadows if iberian dictatorships (Portugal: Lisboa, Spain: Fuencaliente) Nazi crimes (Italy: Sant’Anna di Stazzema and Marzabotto)The results in the fields of history, anthropology, geography and cultural studies are to be documented and shared with the school community as well as the public (school yearbook, parent council, local press). Combining multilingualism with memory spaces results in successful intercomprehensive learning and will strengthen the development of new teaching methods and contents at school.
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