Rechercher des projets européens

Europa szansą na rozwój zawodowy
Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 31 août 2015 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

This project, titled "Europa szansą na rozwój zawodowy" was written for the youth attending Zespół Szkół Rolniczych in Lututów. Thanks to this project, our learners will have the opportunity to hold their vocational training in Germany, Ireland and Italy. The vocational training is planned for learners of the 2nd and 3rd class of vocational school. The project will be held in the school year 2014/2015 and will be aimed at learners training for the profession of farmer, farming mechanic, landscaping architect and economist. 32 learners of ZSR in Lututów will take part in this VET mobility. Lututów and its surroundings are typical rural areas, economically underdeveloped, and therefore it’s hard for the local population to find a job in one’s trained profession. Our project constitutes a response to the growing problem of unemployment in the region, and one of its major goals is the increase of mobility of youth. In addition to that the learners of ZSR have a chance to gain several important skills, like teamwork in an international environment, serving international customers, professional management of a farm and operating modern farming equipment. Further benefits include an increase in linguistic and interpersonal competences, familiarising oneself with how global economy functions and developing a contact base with foreign institutions useful for work after the return to Poland. „Europa szansą na rozwój zawodowy” should give the opportunity to revaluate one’s life and consciously set life’s goals and further develop oneself. The partners foreseen for this project will provide a wide choice of companies, that expressed interest in receiving our learners for vocational training. Many years of experience of those organisations in hosting of mobilities, including groups from Poland will ensure a high quality of the project. In order to ensure a high quality of the project, a linguistic, pedagogical and intercultural preparation will be conducted. The trainees will learn about the details of the project, will create the personal vocational training plans with the help of the tutors. They will learn about the culture of the countries they are going to visit and strengthen their professional linguistic skills, which should help overcome the barriers. The project will consist of three phases: preparation, mobility and evaluation. Each phase has been described in detail and includes critical responsibilities of both the school and the partners, the process of the preparation of the participants, tools used for the dissemination of results like Facebook, the schools website, local media, and a range of both national and European certificates like Europass Mobility etc. The project provides an opportunity not only for the personal development of participants, but also for the improvement of the schools educational offer and a chance to motivate other students to pursue other forms of mobility that the EU offers.


1 Participants partenaires