Rechercher des projets européens

Europa bildet !
Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The intercultural network has been working for 20 years in the field of intercultural adult education. In the coming years, we adopted a European development plan to compensate our deficits in the area of competence of our employees and our educational profile. With this application we will process in the next 24 months some of our relevant topics: - Intercultural learning with a focus on Eastern Europe (Poland, the Balkans) - Concepts of language education and language animation - Theory and practice approaches on fundamental topics in the field of adult education: Dealing with conflicts, discrimination, gender, communication. - Sustainable Development - City / Country as a learning environment - theory and practice of learning in the socioal and context of space Participants come from three target groups: a) Our full-time staff b) coaches, team leaders, language mediators and translators, which we have trained in recent years or are going to train in the future and who work for us or for other training providers in the context of short time contracts at European level. c) responsible for training from Brandenburg and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, who want to continue their education in the European level and so far have no or little European mobility experience. Among our priorities we have chosen training offers from 14 European partnerstructures from 11 countries, which answer in the frame of quality and the concept to our needs. We think it is important that the participants in the situation of a non-formal intercultural training learn theory and practice of the choosen educational topics and discuss the transfer for their own educational environment. To all persons interested in the trainings a detailed description of the program will be sent in advance. This is followed by the application. Is the application accepted by us the participant receives an information folder in which is included among other a descriptions of the training, a list of participants, the travel informations and a template for a learning agreement. The interkulturelles netzwerk will help to organise the travel of the participants. The training provider will make a suggestion to the participants common accomodation, as we find it important that all German participants will be accommodated with all participants from other countrys of the training together at the same hotel. If participants wish unique accommodation, this is of course possible. All participants are in an intercultural learning situation in another European country. In addition to the learning outcomes in the context of the provided content also personal competencies are enhanced, which are located in the area of intercultural learning and language. The training programs are part of the non-formal education. For us it is extremely important to multiply this concept in more and further education contexts. The participants can learn this approach from the level of the participant and thus compare with their own conception of education. Learning is an individual process of debate - the debate is promoted in the trainings offered here. The interkulturelles netzwerk will be able to expand its European image by the organization, preparation, monitoring and evaluation of this trainings: by working with our partners from other European countrys, which has already begun, we learn more about our work processes and the worlingrealities becomes better coordinated. In addition, we improve our language skills. This trainings will help us to deepen our national or regional workingcontexts. We can increase our fame through the press relations and the multiplication of the total Erasmus + project and the results by the participants . Especially in the local / regional level the effect is relevant: the interkultural netzwerk can become with the further European orientation of its educational programs at a center of excellence. The aim is to increase the quality of education in this region, in which - also due to the historical contexts - just little mobility approaches are reality in the educational field, and to put the European values freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights in the focus of the educational landscape .

