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Euromed Without Borders in Rabat
Date du début: 15 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 14 sept. 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Life is bringing more and more challenges for young people, such as unemployment, terrorist attacks, refugee crisis, violation of human rights, intercultural misunderstanding in a very diverse world, and these are only the major challenges that young people have. This project aims at bringing solutions to this need for self-empowerment, self-expression and youth and women inclusion and participation, while valorising and establishing intercultural exchanges, arts and sports activities between the Portuguese volunteers and the youngsters from Rabat-Salé.The objectives of this project are:1. To promote non-formal learning and cooperation in the field of youth with the Partner Countries, in specific with Morocco, while promoting equity, social cohesion, active citizenship, intercultural dialogue, and preventing violent radicalization;2. To support the volunteers in the acquisition of learning outcomes (knowledge, skills and competences) with a view to improving their personal development (such as self-empowerment and self-esteem), enhancing their employability in the European labour market and beyond;3. To promote opportunities for young people with fewer opportunities of intercultural awareness, experience and learning European values, such as respect for human dignity; equality, human rights, tolerance, non-discrimination, justice, solidarity and equality between men and women. Volunteers will have a privileged contact with indoor and outdoor contexts which could allow volunteers interesting learning in terms of knowing how to deal and be in a world increasingly plural and diverse;4. To enhance the participants' foreign languages competence, especially of English and Arabic;5. Raise the volunteers’ awareness and understanding of Moroccan reality and culture, through music, arts and environmental activities, being at the same time ambassadors of Portuguese culture, in the basis of an intercultural and peer learning;6. Raise awareness about the Erasmus+ Programme, in general, and European Voluntary Service, in particular, at local and national levels for Moroccan youngsters, especially the ones with fewer opportunities, NGOs and government bodies.The most relevant topics addressed by your project are:1. Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning2. Youth (Participation, Youth Work, Youth Policy)3. Inclusion - equityThis long-term EVS of 9 months will take place in Rabat, Morocco, from September 15th, 2016 to June 15th, 2017, and it will especially target 2 youngsters aged 18-30 years with fewer opportunities (Refugees, educational difficulties; social, geographical and economic obstacles, and cultural differences) sent by its partner organisation from Portugal, MEDesTU, whose mission is aligned with this project.The activities proposed are: 1. Activities at local schools, for pre-school to basic school aged children, in terms of visual and performing arts, intercultural exchanges, sport and outdoor activities;2. Volunteerism workshops for youth from secondary schools, universities and in general;3. Management of National projects;4. Activities for promotion of Erasmus+ Programme in general and EVS in particular; and5. Personal project.The methodology will consist on informal and non-formal education and learning. Participative methods will be used, attending to the volunteers’ needs, contributions and expectations and feedback, relying on a co-design and co-management basis between the partner organisations and the volunteers. Volunteers will be invited to self-reflect upon their learning, using a logbook.The final results reached within one month are:1. Tangible: the developed activities (workshops), testimonies (news in 4 different languages, promotional materials such as the flyers, 2 Youthpass certificates, a gallery of photos), clipping of press releases and magazine Associar+ articles, a website resulting from the project;2. Intangible: all the learning outcomes (knowledge, skills and attitudes) of immeasurable value that were brought to light by this intercultural experience.It’s expected that this long-term experience promotes the self-empowerment of these youngsters with fewer opportunities, enhancing their employability and motivating them to engage in other Erasmus+ projects. The impact on the target groups (youth, in specific), the other stakeholders and the community in general, they will benefit from the fostering of intercultural mind-sets and competences through the initiatives implemented, by encouraging active citizenship and youth participation, from the promotion of a true Euro-Mediterranean dialogue, from the deconstruction of prejudices and the raising awareness of the European values. It's expected that it impacts on more than 10,000 people, directly or indirectly, i.e. word of mouth or Internet.



1 Participants partenaires