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EUR-TEXT - Back to the future!
Date du début: 1 mai 2012,

The EUR-Text is an innovative artistic research project, aimed to transfer the “historically informed performances” initiated by the Early Music movement, to other artistic fields (costume design and painting).The 4 coorganisers (Abbaye aux Dames, Janáčkova akademie múzických umění v Brně, Soundscapes-MACM, Strzeminski Academy of Art Łódź) are convinced that persons who live together common emotions learn to win respect whatever their cultural, national or social origin. They are conscious of formers students’ professional integration’s difficulties to integrate the cultural job market and are aware of the necessity to transmit our European cultural heritage accessible for the young generation.The project proposes to gather together a staff of 42 European young artists (musicians, composers, painters, graphic and fashion designers) to undertake artistic researches inspired by past works of the classical and romantic periods:-recreation of 12 forgotten manuscripts-composition and creation of 4 contemporary pieces-conception and presentation of 20 contemporary costumes-creation and exhibition of 26 paintings & drawingsMain objectives:-to cross the different publics and make more aware the young generation on our European common heritage-to promote an interdiscilinary and intercultural approach by young artists in order to enrich their practices and professional networks and contribute to their better integration in the cultural job market-to promote the circulation and the confrontation of new artistic works with their ancient models in different countries (France, Czech Republic, Poland, Malta)-to promote crossdisciplinary performances in EuropeSpecific objectives:-to renew the experience of the classical music concert’s model thanks to interdisciplinary and integrated performances-to put at disposition all the artistic research’s results to the profession thanks to a dedicated website and a final symposium that will take place in Lodz



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