Rechercher des projets européens

EUcare — A Small Social Welfare Center - a Training and Professional Improvement Program for Social Aid Personnel in the Scope of Organizing and Providing Stationary Care for Multiple Handicapped People

The project is based on a previous project’s results and is aiming at producing training material for social service centres’ work planning, management and establishment. The project aims at responding to the increasing need for social services for handicapped, mentally impaired and ageing persons. It will be done by establishing a European, interdisciplinary partnership with the intention of elaborating and implementing new means and training tools for creation of social care centres. The project will prepare three training packages: (1) The White Package, consisting of three training modules concerning establishing, managing and financing a social care centre (2) The Blue Package, consisting of training modules in stationary care of mentally handicapped, adult day care for elderly people and long stay units for people with considerable and complex needs (3) The Green Package, providing results of a recognition procedure run at European level developed for a small long-term profit making care institution; a model for a small institute. The project will develop a new application for self-assessment questionnaire, for quality assessment of social care skills. Target groups: teachers, tutors, therapists, personnel of social institutions and organisations, employees of public and private training institutions. Information and project outcomes will be disseminated through partners’ national networks to the stakeholders. Website, seminars, publications, articles and booklets will be prepared. The training material will be in CD-form and printed form as well. Participating countries: DE, IT, PL, UK

