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EU creativ: Micii mesteri mari
Date du début: 1 nov. 2014, Date de fin: 1 nov. 2015 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

“EU creative : Little great artisans” is a project that the Association “EU VREAU” from Romania and “AVE” from Bulgaria propose for implementation over a period of 12 months starting from 1st of November 2014. The project aims to encourage the creative potential of young people and the entrepreneurship through valuing traditions. The main reasons for the proposal are based on two realities present in the last years. One, worrisome, regards the unemployment rate among young people, especially those in rural areas. The unemployment is a serious problem facing not only Romania, but more or less all member countries of the European Union. The other reality is the need to rediscover the authentic values, the traditional values of the village, until recently forgotten and even considered obsolete. The objectives of the project are: - Support to discover talents in stimulating creativity and personal development for 15 young Romanians and 15 young Bulgarians, aged between 13 and 18, coming from families with low incomes. - Awareness of the 30 young people on traditional values, learning the taste for authentic, original and unique in a series products world, encouraging the practice of crafts. - Encouraging the constructive competition for the 30 young people and helping them to develop adaptability and acquire skills that will help them in life and career. - Developing the entrepreneurship, strengthening the self-esteem, the sense of respect for work and gratitude for a work well done, stimulating the initiative in what it concerns these young people - The involvement of 30 young people in a balanced mix of practical activities - cultural, educational, sports and recreational fun - to discover the pleasure of knowing and to cause the mind to exchange ideas and experience new things. The project “EU creative: Little great artists” suggests the participation of 30 young people from rural areas - 15 from Dolj County, Romania and 15 from Vidin, Bulgaria - aged between 13 and 18. We are interested on those with fewer opportunities, from families experiencing financial difficulties being disadvantaged compared to others due to economic barriers, young people who are integrated in single parent or dysfunctional families or are discriminated against on the grounds of ethnicity. The project proposes their involvement in a series of activities based on non-formal education and learning or improving certain skills that could facilitate later an easier employment. Otherwise, when graduating school, the chances that these young people thicken the ranks of the unemployed or of those people with anti-social behaviour are very high. The project reflects, therefore, a concern for issues within European society, such as unemployment, as well as racism. Also, it contributes to the education of young people and amplifies their awareness about the European context in which they live. Among other activities (cultural, sports, personal development workshops), the project proposes the development of handicraft workshops during which young people learn how to realize objects with aesthetic and functional value of materials found in rural households, objects they could then exploit, laying the foundations of an entrepreneurial activity. So we have the art to produce jewellery, traditional stitching, painting on wood/glass, knitting with thread/twigs, making dolls or paintings from corn husks or fabrics, various decorations etc. With all the works resulting from the execution of the workshops we will create an exhibition with sale and demonstrations by the young people. All activities of the project “EU creative: Little great artisans” support and promote volunteering and non-formal education, with specific working methods. The activities of the project will take place in Calafat (Romania) and Vidin (Bulgaria), localities situated from the economic development and number of inhabitants point of view at the interplay between rural and urban, areas where the population still practice traditional crafts, but the unemployment rate still remains quite high. At the end of the project, the 30 young people will acquire new skills, abilities and capacities and will develop the ones that they already have, helping them both in everyday life for a harmonious formation as individuals and as European citizens, and especially in their career. By their handmade created and capitalized objects, they will be promoted as an example of good practice, while promoting ERASMUS + program, the opportunities and benefits thereof and, on medium and long term, they will be able to easily find a job, they will be able to improve the financial situation and their living standards.



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