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EU activ: grija pentru mediul meu
Date du début: 24 juil. 2014, Date de fin: 23 juil. 2015 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

„EU activ: grija pentru mediul meu” („EU active: concern for my environment”) is an educational project, both coherent an realistic, which proposes for young people from Danube area to learn to identify common values regarding the natural and cultural patrimony, to raise awareness about its importance and to motivate them to act with responsibility in order to protect it, emphasizing the impact on the community on the long run. The bilateral project involves two European member states, Romania and Bulgaria, and will be implemented by „EU VREAU” Association from Craiova and its partner „AVE” Association from Vidin, for a period of 12 months, starting from July 24, 2014. The participants are 15 Romanian young people and 15 Bulgarian young people, regardless of gender, religion or ethnicity status. The participants’ age is between 13 and 30, 10 young people facing fewer opportunities. The project proposes two mobility activities: in Calafat (Romania) and in Vidin (Bulgaria). The area’s selection reflects the special importance of Danube in the national and European context. The region requires the rehabilitation, protection and preservation of natural resources in order to regain and maintain the biodiversity’s balance. The human pressure is increasing through touristic and economic activities and this phenomenon has negative effects on the environment and its components. Irresponsible tourism from the last decades has a dark impact, leading to wild flora deterioration, illegal fishing, carefree camping, wildfire, endangering species etc. In this context, young people lack the education of getting involved in environmental protection activities. This project’s mission is to attract Romanian and Bulgarian communities to participate to actions that affect their present and future life. The objects of the project: - Raising awareness for environmental protection for 30 young people from Romania and Bulgaria. - Stimulating active participation of the young people involved in the project as well as implication of the community, through the power of example, in activities concerning natural patrimony preservation, protection and promotion. - Educating the young people selected in the project to develop a responsible behaviour towards the natural behaviour as well as a healthy lifestyle, understanding the benefits of a clean environment and of practicing outdoor and sport activities. - Enhancing the entrepreneurial spirit, the emphatic communication and interrelating abilities, improving the team work and resources management as well as the practical and organizing skills of 30 Romanian and Bulgarian young people All activities of the project „EU activ: grija pentru mediul meu” („EU active: concern for my environment”) support and promote non-formal education and volunteering. They will help the people involved in the project to acquire key-competences – knowledge, skill and abilities which are fundamental for each individual. They guarantee more flexibility on workforce market, allowing them to adapt easier and faster to continuous change that appear in a globalized world. The working methods used in this project are specific to non-formal and informal education: brainstorming, debates, dialogue, analysis, self-analysis, open questions, energizing games, interrelating exercises, role-playing, opens space, photovoice, origami theatre, outdoor activities etc. At the end of the projects, the young participants from Romania and Bulgaria will be more responsible towards the environmental protection; they will become aware of the negative effects of their actions on the environment and community; they will acquire or develop competences, abilities and knowledge; they will learn practical things which they can use on the working force market; they will get involved in projects of identification, support and promotion of natural patrimony values. In the short and long term, the beneficiaries of this project will be not only the 30 participants, but also the local communities, the environment, as well as the European community.



1 Participants partenaires