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Erasmus + ¿Te apuntas?. Un encuentro nacional para la reflexión de jóvenes, agentes técnicos y políticos sobre buenas prácticas y estrategias para el emprendizaje juvenil
Date du début: 2 janv. 2016, Date de fin: 1 juil. 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Erasmus + ¿Te apuntas?. Un encuentro nacional para la reflexión de jóvenes, agentes técnicos y políticos sobre buenas prácticas y estrategias para el emprendizaje juvenil , is a project from KAEBNAI association, with the supervision of the Basque Government Youth Directorate and under the Erasmus + Programme. This project will involve 40 young people from all or at least the largest number of Autonomous Communities.Within this youth and youth policies responsible meeting, it is a priority: providing a meeting place for the structured dialogue, horizontal reflection and the development of an exchange between youth, educational leaders, technicians and different Autonomous Communities politicians about Erasmus+ Good Practices & Strategies National Meeting: Youth in Action for youth entrepreneurship. An event to agree and share different practical strategies for working with young people within the international framework.Through a dynamic and participative methodology, we aim to provide participants a structured dialogue and reflection space; resources, tools and materials to promote non-formal learning from their organizations, institutions, governments and to become more agile and effective the work with young people.The purpose of this project is to organize an eight days long meeting (from the 2th to 9th of March 2016) for young people from different Spanish Autonomous Communities, aged between 18 and 30 years, as well as and experts, trainers and those responsible in the field of youth policies.The event is based on a structured dialogue with a set of non-formal education activities and theoretical and practical workshops, which will involve both young people, experts and politicians:A) Speech-debates on:1. European Union's Youth Policies and programs;2. Youth and European citizenship;3. Empowerment and competences recognition from formal and non-formal education; 4. - New ways of youth participation and active citizenship against youth unemployment; 5. Youth support systems plans, and their quality improving.B) Synthesis tables and Workshops led by young and experts, who will forward their conclusions to the group,C) Exchange Laboratories, a place for discovery; meeting and facilitation of project-related skills, self-administered by the participants.D) Resources Banks; strategies and good practices that collect materials, documents, guides and resources for international work with young people, within the Erasmus program +E) History of Learnings, learning processes reflection and gathering space developed by technicians, trainers and/ or facilitators of international youth work, through a chrono-history through time, starting from their involvement as youth agents.Learning activities will be complemented with a visit to the Basque Parliament, in which participants will have the opportunity not only to tour the Hall of Sessions but also will participate in "Zabalik", the "Open Space", a singular practice, proposed from this institution, which, in addition to debate issues related to youth with parliamentarians from different political parties, the participants will attend a plenary session live.In addition, the facilitators’ team will inform the participant group about other communitarian youth programs, with special emphasis on the "Erasmus +" programme; communication games, group and social dynamics; Open Space facilitation (training activity developed by young people wishing to share their knowledge, skills and experiences with others) and cultural trips, among others. A whole week of learnings, exchange and coexistence towards youth participation and youth entrepreneurship within the framework of Erasmus +.

