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Erarbeitung und Erprobung eines bilingualen Konzep..
Erarbeitung und Erprobung eines bilingualen Konzeptes
Date du début: 1 juil. 2014,
Date de fin: 30 juin 2015
Six teachers from the Friedrich-Ebert-Mülheim school will participate in a training called "Content and Language Integrated Learning". They look forward to getting to know the diversity of the ´CLIL´- methods, to define the role of the mother tongue and other languages in the bilingual education and to get specific tips and materials for the introduction of the bilingual education at the elementary and secondary school. The issue of internal differentiation in ´CLIL'´ is of particularly great interest.
After returning they want to set working structures. These should be settled within the English department, but also among the departments involved in bilingual education. Furthermore, the development of a school foreign language learning concept is being considered.
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