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EPMT – Development of European Project Management Training by Multicultural teams of Trainers from Six European Countries

The ongoing process of cooperation in the course of European integration demands new project management skills from people acting in network and collaborative projects. The objective of the project EPMT is the elaboration of an innovative train-the trainer programme on European project management, thus meeting the demands and new requirements of the target groups. Primary target groups are EPM trainers working for training institutions and independent project management trainers. Secondary target groups are people from companies and institutions which work on European projects or plan to do so. Potential users are trainers in countries applying for the accession into EU, trainers of related topics, representatives of organisations working on projects and students specialised in project management. Target sector is the sector of educational services providing training and education in project management. Planned activities are the development of an EPM training package. This package will be elaborated by trainers of Project Management with different backgrounds and sectors from six European countries, working together on a curriculum by solving a real project. The final findings from this experience will be brought together in the management curriculum. Planned result is: the modular EPM Training Package, consisting of a handbook, curriculum, handouts, case studies, video training and a Manual for participants. The contents of the Training Package will be available in print and on CDRom in English and all partners languages. The results of the project will be presented on an EPM Training Webpage on Internet, also in English and all partners languages, giving information about the project itself and general project management. The EPM training course is planned to train the participants as multipliers of the know-how gained by the course. Moreover, the course will raise the quality of work in existing European projects, foster motivation to prepare new co-operations. In the long term it will strengthen cross-border cooperation by having enough well-trained EPM staff. Valorisation will be done in various measures, e.g. networking activities, web platform, presentations, etc. and to transfer the results to other regions.

