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Entrepreneurial Inspiration for the European Union (ENSPIRE EU)
Date du début: 31 déc. 2009, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2012 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Economic organisations and governments all across the EU are talking about the need to develop the EU into a strong 'entrepreneurial economy', since this is the key to Europe’s competitiveness and continues modernisation. A lot has been done on a regional, national and European level to support the development of an entrepreneurial economy. However, the 2007 Eurobarometer Entrepreneurship Survey revealed that: 'The desire for Europeans to be self-employed is decreasing'. This key paradox between good conditions for entrepreneurship but poor desire to become entrepreneurial is the key focus of ENSPIRE EU. By focusing on the development of a European entrepreneurial mindset by development/promotion of entrepreneurial inspiration, it's mainstreaming and durability into the regional policy sphere and structural funds system, ENSPIRE EU will improve the effectiveness of regional development policies thereby contributing to the economic modernisation and increased competitiveness of the EU.Esbjerg municipality and the region of Southern Denmark in general initiated the project. It is based on the existing experiences and needs among the partner regions for successful improvement of regional development policies fostering entrepreneurial mindsets. The partnership consists of 12 partners from 11 countries DK, UK, FR, SP, SW, CY, CZ, RO, PO, HU, SL. The activities of the project has been divided into 3 main parts: Part 1) a limited mapping carried out in each partner region by using a set of standards and a joint information base, the mapping will result in a joint interregional study. Part 2) new discussions, knowhow, ideas and exchange of experiences through Interregional exchange camps, a Pan European exchange camp and the initiation of an Enspire EU network. Part 3) policy effectuation by the development of policy recommendations, a strategic regional policy framework and an interregional policy seminar.A very limited part of the project consists of two pilot cases: 1) The development of an Enspire EU toolkit, and 2) A mutual exchange programme for transfer of good practices by setting up twin cooperation between the partner regions. The main results of the project will be improved policy making processes (and thereby improved regional development policies) by adopting evidence-based policy making (i.e policy making based on new knowledge by exchange of experiences and joint cooperation), the creation on an Enspire EU network for long-term collaboration and durability of the project's results and better support and " entrepreneurial inspiration services" for prospective entrepreneurs. The project will generate a wide range of outputs for exchange of good practice and dissemination, such as exchange camps, workshops, reports, analysis, recommendations etc. Achievements: The ENSPIRE EU project is about inspiring Europeans to become entrepreneurs and to put emphasis on the fact that there are very good supporting structures for people to become entrepreneurs. The project has 3 target groups: 1) Disadvantaged People: without the same opportunities as the same average European. 2) Disconnected People: disconnected from the labour Market (long-term unemployed or people with a low education). 3) Discouraged People: young people at secondary level of education discouraged with the education system. The status of the project is for the period from 1st January 2012 to 30th June 2012 following.As it is important to stress that there are already many good initiatives across Europe, the Enspire EU has outline a process how to pick out the best one, which have a high potential to be transferred from one country to another. Previously in the Enspire EU project the partners have developed a methodology to choose the best practices, and in the latest period the partners have arranged twinning visits to learn from each other, and to exchange the best practices across regions. The approach have been that partners from eastern European countries have visited western European partners, because there would be a potential higher gain transferring initiative from more developed countries to less developed countries.The partners have within the project period performed seven exchange visits, and following these experience it has also been possible to outline some guidelines about how transfer initiative from one region to another. Furthermore the partners have developed policy recommendations and a strategic framework paper, which was presented at a policy seminar in Halland. The papers are a tool that can be used for inspiration and for concrete advice on how to set up an effective policy that inspire people to become the entrepreneurs of tomorrow. The papers can be used both for experts and politicians at regional, national and European level.With these experiences the partnership have chosen to make additional activities in terms of so-called "pilot actions". The intention of the pilot actions is to test some initiative in small scale in other regions. These will be included in an Enspire EU Toolkit, which was presented in a draft version at the meeting in Halland and is already available on the Enspire EU website. The toolkit will be presented in its final version at the final conference at Cyprus, and will be one of the most important output of the project. It is also important to point out due to successful dissemination and many good results obtained in the project that an increasing number of people have joined the Enspire EU network, and are following the project and share experiences at the Enspire EU linkedIn group and on @Enspire.Eu at Twitter.



  • 78.5%   1 530 378,56
  • 2007 - 2013 Interreg IVC
  • Projet sur KEEP platform
Projet Website

11 Participants partenaires