Rechercher des projets européens

Date du début: 1 janv. 2015, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2015 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

"Enterprising!" was a mobility project for volunteers and youth workers which gave the opportunity for Agoraveiro, the applying organisation to delegate seven people from our staff to participate in one job shadowing activity, one study visit and 2 training courses in the topic of social entrepreneurship. In the frame of this project young people went to the Netherlands, to Hungary, Belgium and to Romania to learn about the tendencies, methods and best practices of starting a social enterprise, between January 2015 and December 2015. Our objectives were to provide opportunities for youngsters to get new knowledge, skills and experience about social entrepreneurship in order to grow professionally and personally, build them into the already existing NGO what we have in Portugal and to share them with young people living in Aveiro and with youngsters participating in our local and international projects. After acquired such competences our intention was to encourage volunteers, youth workers and young people in Aveiro to act in order to achieve their goals, to see entrepreneurship as an opportunity to create their own workplace and in the mean time organize similar local activities to develop creativity, entrepreneurship, social and digital competences, as well as organise Youth exchange project to share skills. Agoraveiro, the applicant organisation makes part of already working network of local institutions and through these organisations we can reach lot of youngsters in and around Aveiro. Our Partner, ReCreativity has the experience of starting a social enterprise from passion and enthusiasm. In the project we delegate young people to the Netherlands, Ommen, where they developed life skills in an open-call training that has been running for four years with success. The Romanian partner's training gave the practice and the methods of starting a social enterprise and study visit to organisation based in Brussels - The Out of the Box International provided with diverse experience of how to organise and design innovative social projects and to create sustainable networking.



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