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Date du début: 28 mai 2015, Date de fin: 27 déc. 2015 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Our project is a youth exchange projet that can young people reveal their ability of by knowing themselves , learn mutual cooperation and can achieve solidarity success. Young people need a job that they can be happy, live in economic prosperity and productivity.Our project is also planned for this exact needs, young people can reveal the capabilities of them, is equipped with activities where they can meet the needs. Our main goal in our project; Being aware of the capabilities and skills of young people, believing that they could do to ensure their self-esteem and be able to activate develop their entrepreneurial spirit. A further goal is to make strong cultural and social adaptation of individuals and the community to ensure our project. 6 leaders and 36 participants will benefit from our project acitivities.Our project will be in Antalya as it has lots of advantages (lojistic, weather and accommadation places) between 22/29 August 2015.All participants are excited especially fort he success. In addition, participants are young people who are economically disadvantage. I the project; young people will explore the capabilities of the individual and group work, can design workshop activities ideas, can listen to their stories first-hand panel successful entrepreneurship, social and cultural and cultural events will take place. All of the studies is the product of the work of demonstrated the preparation period of the project.While trying to reach the desired target, active participation will be based on in the implementation of project activities. Project activities will be supported by formal learning methods. Participants will be actively involved in the project activities and will learn by doing and living. Our project activities in accordance with participants' expectations have emerged. Therefore, participants with sensitive issues, are excited and motivated case. This is the motivation will allow the project results in line with expected formation. At the end of the project participants will acquire competencies and entrepreneurial spirit that can be used in their own lives and be able to spread around. This will replicate the appearance of increasing awarenessof the project.



6 Participants partenaires