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Enrichment of soil, spirit and community 3
Date du début: 1 mai 2015, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2015 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Main themes of the project were sustainable living, building and agriculture in an eco-community. The project took place in an ecovillage combined with a biodynamic farm, which are situated in a rural area in South-Western Finland. We had six volunteers from three different countries: Hungary, Italy and France. The project lasted six months, which gave good opportunities to create a process that served individual progress as well as the needs of the whole community. The volunteers had various possibilities to learn ecological lifestyle and building and to get to know biodynamic farming. The volunteers were integrated into the village-community and they took part in making decisions. They lived and worked closely together and they could practise, how to share thoughts, feelings and experiences with different kind of people while respecting each other. The age of the volunteers varied from 23 to 30 years. The group had three women and three men. Because the group was heterogeneous regarding ages, cultures and gender, it provided the possibility to enlarge the world view and to experience various values. The volunteers could explore cultural differences and similarities and refine their social skills. The main goal was to create an environment that supports volunteers` activity and creativity and improves their skills and abilities to a sustainable way of life and to social sharing. We do hope, that they can use and share these experiences in their future life after this project.



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