Rechercher des projets européens

Enjoy Europe
Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Enjoy Europe is a project that takes place in Madrid. It is aimed at children between 8 and 16 years, in collaboration with some youth associations, and with the participation of volunteers from Austria, Poland, The Netherlands and Lithuania from 1st October 2016 to 31st July 2017. The activities are related to non-formal learning, aimed at equiping participants, children, with skills that can later develop in their spare time. The activities are of all kinds: music, dance, sports, arts and crafts, nature and environment, computer, photography, moviemaking and intercultural workshops. All this is aimed at promoting respect, tolerance, communication, and knowledge of customs of other places and other people. The volunteer may organise activities that suit their interest and capacities, but (s)he can also provide new ideas. Its presence is especially important in intercultural workshops to develop various recreational activities such as theater, games about Europe and other countries, others cultures and life styles, etc. This project aims to promote a leisure and healthy lifestyle through different activities. It also aims to promote a cultural exchange between the children and the young volunteers who participate in the EVS. The volunteers will actively participate in the planification, organization and evaluation of these activities. Between the volunteers there will be exchange of experiences so they will participate more in the society and in their organizations. There will participate in the activities around 200 children in total. Volunteers will normally work accompanied by a person in charge of the activity and under the supervision of the Fundación Promoción Social de la Cultura.The volunteer will assist in all activities that the Foundation does with children and furthermore the volunteer will provide support in the headquarters of the foundation. The tasks to be undertaken are:- To help in planning and evaluation of activities for children.- Attention and participation in cultural activities, training, school support, volunteer activities and to promote intercultural.- Interest and participation in sports and leisure time as games and outings.- Attention and participation of urban and summer camps for children in June and July.- Attention and participation in two or three activities weekend per year with children aimed at promoting cultural diversity through activities that promote interest in other cultures, respect and building a European culture.- Participation in training sessions for volunteers of the host organization.- Support in organizing a party for families at the end of the school year.- Creating and updating a website and a blog of experiences.- Supporting the Foundation staff in preparation of projects, dissemination and training other young people within the Erasmus+ program.The Foundation will offer the volunteers the possibility of an active participation in its activities. In all of them, they will learn how to plan, organize, implement and evaluate activities. They will also have a friendly treatment with the beneficiaries of the projects, most of them children. They will meet other volunteers of our Foundation. They will be able to participate in many different tasks. We expect them to give ideas and suggestions that help us to improve de quality of our projects. They will learn teamwork, how to solve problems, to take decisions, to know themselves better and propose themselves new challenges, they will learn a new language and improve the communication with people from other cultures. Volunteers will live in families or alternative accommodation with other young Spanish people. They will live near the place where they work or well connected by bus and metro. On transport, the host organization will be responsible for a monthly fee to pay each volunteer so they can use public transportation every day whenever they want. Moreover, in all weekend activities or camps, volunteers will have all expenses paid.Volunteers will have a 30-hour workweek. Activities generally be provided Monday through Friday except certain activities that require other days. This week days service can change. The volunteer will have Christmas and Easter.The project increases young people's positive awareness of other cultures as they will have the possibility to know the Spanish culture, with adults and children in the host country and live in a Spanish family.


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