Rechercher des projets européens

Engelli Kazanır İnsanlık Kazanır 8
Date du début: 1 juil. 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

As a result of the implementations of the National Agency in our country which gained candidacy status to European Union in 1999 Helsinki Summit, a lot of young people opened the gate to Europe and adapted themselves rapidly to the abroad . As the Federation of Disabled Associations, we consider European Voluntary Service important. The disabled or non-disabled youth who appeal to our Federation to go abroad as part of the given activity are suffering from inexperience about the European mobility because they seriously lack European Union information and financial possibilities. As the Federation, we wish to enable the disabled or non-disabled youth to serve voluntarily in media in which there are people with different languages and cultures without reciprocity and can be glad about this and to make a contribution to their awareness about European Union and their rehabilitation and their mental, physical and personal development. In this context, it is aimed that the youth will gain self-confidence, learn the language of the country where they go and English which is the common language, be used to living by planning with depending on a specific budget, become socialized and acquire life philosophy deepness about Europe and European citizenship that they will remember throughout their life. Hence we are concentrated on our aims by reaching an agreement with our partners. Young people will go to Europe and they will expand their understanding and consciousness of global Europe as a European citizen. They will learn the volunteering consciousness in European level by living with different people. By integrating to the locality, recognizing other life styles and job scopes, feeling to be needed with taking responsibility and being known much, they will gain a multilateral learning experience. To this end, we shall have the opportunity to introduce our culture and way of life to our European volunteers to be hosted in our Federation. By this activity both our young volunteers going abroad and those volunteers to be hosted in our country shall acquire all of the above mentioned experiences. The aim of our EVS partnership with EU countries is to encourage the disabled or nondisabled volunteer youth for thinking the issues about Europe including European Citizenship and endeavoring to reflect the basic characteristics of European society. Besides, our Project is encouraging them to take an active role in their own nation or in European Union countries. They will become sensitive to the people, to all creatures, to the nature and to the environment by means of the personal care of the people to who they will help in the institutions in which they will serve and themselves. They will understand the European mentality and stand with each other in a collaboration with the people in the institution and the region whereabouts. On the other side, they will make progress in European atmosphere culturally and socially due to social activities, environmental cleaning and animal care that they will attend as part of the Project. In our Projects, there are activities about children, disabled people and youth center. This will help about perceiving the volunteering concept and EU consciousness in the volunteers how will be sent and be hosted by us. We want to attract attention to the fundamental universal humanity values in all respects with the new approach named "Disabled Wins Humanity Wins 8" that we refer to European philosophy with its name.



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