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ENGELLERİ BİRLİKTE KALDIRMAK 1(Together to Remove Barriers 1
Date du début: 5 janv. 2015, Date de fin: 4 janv. 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

We offer social and cultural projects including rehabilitation process for underprivileged children and their families ,chidren living in difficult conditions and children who face discrimination. These projects are organized by our association since 2002. Positive outcomes of previous projects ensures the sustainability of our work. Our main aim is to raise social and cultural awareness and skılls of individuals who benefit from our services in order to enable them to cope with their problems and find solutions by themselves. Target group of our organization located in Ankara, are poor families.We cooperate with central and local governments, as well with other non-governmental organization to accomplish our goals. Our actıvities are managed by 2 volunteers, who are supported by other other 25 volunteers and 13 educators. Main methods used in activities are roleplays and consultation. Active participation and pre-activities preparation of participants is encouraged. Educators and trainers provide support and mentoring to volunteers İndividuals who take part in our activities raise their sensitivity to problems of society and negative discrimination. Social cohession is increased. Our projects enables individuals to reach also their other personaş goals.In the long term , these projects enhance active participation of individuals to contribute to solve social problems.



2 Participants partenaires