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Empower Youth in the development of local communities
Date du début: 1 août 2016, Date de fin: 31 juil. 2018 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The phenomenon of outdoor activities have repercussions on a global scale because echoed between the layers of the youth population of outdoor activities component - outdoor training, development and interaction of individuals in a team (team building), democratic decision and projects developed by the young people; simultaneously, its impact is magnified in society by innovating public utility and social integration, as well as being a school of democracy from an early age and in the application of the philosophy of project management today also applied to numerous situations of the enterprise (objectives, design, planning, production, resources, implementation and evaluation). Initially the activities uncovered were designed for individuals whose main goal was his physical preparation and selection of sporting events or as a way to increase the resistance in nature, following the Latin theme "mens sana in corpore sano", the clearance requirement of physical discipline. Is sought, above all, activities that stimulate young people in order to enhance greater self-esteem, inner strength and strength of character allowing us to make use of that experience extreme moments like outdoor activities and adventure training activities as apprentices not formal.In Europe, these concepts of outdoor education and adventure activities in green spaces were introduced and adapted to the mentality and European demand, combining closeness to nature with pleasure, challenge and multiple physical activities, sports, recreation and relaxation and decompression : today associated with leisure parks themed scenarios, are magnified by the supply of integrated entertainment component in multiple formats. The outdoor training through activities under the open air, was a phenomenon in Portugal awoke early with isolated initiatives here and there, coming from the peculiar context of associations dedicated to leisure and non-formal learning for young people, such as associations or scouts explorers. It is noteworthy, finally, what will be the most important feature characterizing the current, more dispersed and specialized market: Portugal introduced the concept in a more "professional" way - "professional", has opened opportunities for deployment and the growth of companies engaged in the exploration of such activities in their own spaces, developing more specific activities, broadening the range of learning programs not formally outdoor training. The "magic" component catalyst of this triangulation is another hidden triangle, incrementing the successful accomplishment: the interpersonal relationship, trust and emotional intelligence. These are interactive and engaging criticism of these outdoor training activities.The objetives of this project: Give the chance to the youth people with fewer opportunities and show them the different socialcultural reality and grow the possibilities of local studies and future jobs and teach them that they are european citizens and explain the real meaning of this role. Improve the level of involvement, cooperation, decision-making, participation, acquisition of concepts related to the exercise of active citizenship, social participation, adaptation to different situations placed, self-confidence of the participants.Fight against early school leaving, sensitize to outdoor activities and empowerment of rural zone to discovery of traditions. Thus, we can arrange a healthy alternative to fight problems about the youngsters.Objetives of Erasmus+:This project give us the opportunity to share experiences, considering the non-formal education, the acquisition of transversal competences to the self-esteem and the insertion in the labor market.



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