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Employ Yourself
Date du début: 1 juin 2016, Date de fin: 31 janv. 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

"Employ Yourself" is a project implemented by the Stowarzyszenie Edukacji Nieformalnej Kulturatka in cooperation with 9 partner organizations. The key moment of the project is to organize 7-day workshop for 28 youth workers including youth in the period 14-20.09.2016.The main objective of the project is to improve competencies of 28 youth workers in supporting young people in the area of coping in the labor market, in order to stimulate employability of young people and to create a space for the exchange of good practices in the area: entrepreneurship, job search and professional development, affecting the development of potential and improvement of the quality of quality of systems supporting youth 9 organizations participating in the project in the period from 01.06.2016-31.01.2017.The workshop is dedicated to 28 people working every day in 9 non-governmental organizations on the field of social and educational activities for young people (especially unemployed youth) - social leaders, coordinators of volunteers, project managers, career counselors, facilitators, trainers and people who are close to the problems of young people on the labor market.The project is based on building close cooperation between 9 organization and involvement at all stages of its implementation, which will provide synergies. Using a variety of methods tailored to the needs of participants (non-formal education methods, brainstorming, case studies, group work, panel discussions, interactive exercises, simulations, games, exchange of know-how, mini-presentations) will allow to obtain high efficiency of the classes.The results of the project are:1. The development of competencies 28 people working with youth, especially representing NEET group, young refugees and immigrants, in the area:a. supporting youth in coping in the labor marketb. communication including intercultural communicationc. the international cooperationd. competencies related to the analysis of needs, barriers and opportunities for young people in the labor markete. the use of methods and tools of vocational and entrepreneurial attitudes.2. Developing the capacity and improving the quality of work in 9 NGOs.3. Dissemination of good practices and recommendations concerning the most effective ways of supporting unemployed youth, and methods of defining development and professional goals.4. Promoting entrepreneurial attitudes and inspire social activity and employment among young people, including young people with fewer opportunities.5. Expanding the international dimension of the activities for the remaining unemployed youth and enhancing the role 9 org., as support structures for young people facing unemployment.6. Building a sustainable transnational partnerships between 9 organizations and their operating environment for young people; facilitating the exchange of knowledge and good practice, coupled with the creation of the European dialogue.7.Promoting diversity, intercultural and interreligious dialogue, shared values of freedom, tolerance and respect for human rights.The project will contribute to the development and strengthening the capacity of 9 organizations, international development cooperation, and thus to the development of international responsibility for the future of Europe. Long-term goal of the project is to increase the level of professional activation of unemployed youth, located in the environment of the organization involved in the project, and preventing their social exclusion. Acting locally, we are going to serve the long-term and longer-term changes in Europe.



8 Participants partenaires