Rechercher des projets européens

Date du début: 1 janv. 2016, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

EMOTIONAL COACHING FOR YOUTH WORKERS: An 18 days intensive training course designed for youth workers. This course offers the possibility to improve and learn abilities and skills to support emotional processes in groups and individuals, to learn different coaching tools that would improve the performance of the organizations and to practice different project design methods that would foster social entrepreneurship in the organizations.The program is divided in 5 Themes:1) Emotional and coachingTraining (4 days).2) Facing social challenges (3 days).3) Strengthening social entrepreneurship (3 days).4) Developing team and groups skills (3 days).5) Implementation of Leadership (3 days).The aim of this project is to offer youth workers tools that would empower their projects and avoid failure or blockages caused by emotional and social reasons or for lacking planning and design skills. In addition, it aims to create future collaborations among the different countries/associations that participate in the course, represented by 36 participants of six different countries: Germany, Ireland, England, Italy, Belgium and Spain, who would be responsible for hosting the activity.


3 Participants partenaires