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Emocinio raštingumo ir konfliktų sprendimo strateg..
Emocinio raštingumo ir konfliktų sprendimo strategijos dirbant su SUP vaikais
Date du début: 1 juin 2016,
Date de fin: 31 mai 2017
Klaipėda Medeine School currently has 155 pupils aged 7-21 and coming from various ethnic backgrounds (Lithuanian, Russian, Armenian, Romani). All of them have either profound or extremely profound special educational needs. All children studying at the school have intellectual disabilities; vast majority of the pupils have emotional and behavioural disorders. Seeking to create a safe emotional environment in a multicultural background, the community of the school wishes to improve their qualifications by learning from the experience of other European educational systems. Project goal: To develop the emotional literacy of the school's community and improve conflict resolution strategies by taking over the experience of other European educational systems in working with pupils experiencing social exclusion. The mobility activities would be attended by 10 members of the school staff. They have many years of experience in organising various activities for children from various ethnic backgrounds and with either profound or extremely profound special educational needs. All persons planning to participate in the training have majored in Special Education studies and have documents supporting their foreign language proficiency level. Activities planned for the project: situation analysis, working groups, professional development (mobility visits), spreading the good practice in the city and country, safe relationships' assurance group (SRAG) activities, self-analysis, discussion of the results. The project will involve activity observation, group work, individual interviews with the pupils and their parents, evaluation of activities and reflection The director of the educational facility will be responsible for the project management and quality assurance. All logistics issues will be coordinated by an assigned person. Theoretical and practical preparation is crucial in order to create a safe and motivating environment for everyone. The experience of other European countries and various trainings will help to not only improve the educational competencies of the teachers, but also contribute to solving conflicts, caused by different ethnic backgrounds, and thus creating a friendly multicultural environment. The implementation of this project would be important and useful for all participants of the educational process: the knowledge acquired during the training would help to develop the SRAG activity; having acquired more knowledge and skills, the teachers would feel more confident in solving conflicts; in turn, the pupils being able to observe the teachers' ability to solve complex conflict situations would feel safer, thus making it easier to involve them into various activities. The distribution of the good practice in the city and the country will improve the professional qualifications of teachers working in various educational institutions, enabling them to work with pupils of different ethnic backgrounds and with profound or extremely profound special educational needs.
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