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EMBL Interdisciplinary Postdocs 2
Date du début: 1 juil. 2012,
Date de fin: 30 juin 2017
"The European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) has a strong tradition in promoting interdisciplinary basic research in molecular biology. With 83 laboratories in eight Research Units at five facilities in four European countries, working on topics ranging from structural to organismal biology and from computational and biophysics to chemical biology, the EMBL is one of the top research institutions in the world. The EMBL Interdisciplinary PostDoc (EIPOD) fellowship programme makes use of this unique international, multidisciplinary research environment to broaden the interdisciplinary education and expertise of Experienced Researchers (ERs). Once a year, EMBL invites young researchers to propose interdisciplinary projects of their choice to EMBL faculty of their preference. Candidates are asked to contact at least two group leaders, preferably from different research units, to discuss and shape projects that bring together separate scientific disciplines or transfer techniques to new usage. Scientific excellence of applicants and interdisciplinarity of the proposed work are evaluated by an independent selection committee composed of EMBL Heads of Unit and other external internationally renowned scientists in a two-step procedure, involving a pre-selection followed by an interview meeting. Besides high-level interdisciplinary research training, EIPODs receive additional vocational training, special career development support and can join the EMBL double mentorship scheme. An active alumni network facilitates reintegration into national research environments. Fellowships last three years. The COFUND contribution will be used to maintain our current number of fellowships of 20 per year and to introduce additional social benefits for the EIPODs in accordance with the European Charter for Researchers. We aim to maintain these improved standards beyond the COFUND period."
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